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Cook In The Kitchen Lady In The Parlor Quote

Cooking In The Kitchen Lady In The Parlor


"Cook in the kitchen, lady in the parlor, and a maid in the bedroom" is a quote that dates back to the Victorian era. During this time, there were strict gender roles that governed how people lived their lives. Men were expected to work and provide for their families, while women were supposed to take care of the home and children. This quote encapsulates the expectations placed on women during this time, and it has since become a popular saying that is still used today.

The Meaning of the Quote

The quote "Cook in the kitchen, lady in the parlor, and a maid in the bedroom" refers to the different roles that women were expected to play during the Victorian era. Women were expected to be skilled in the kitchen and to take care of the cooking and cleaning. In the parlor, women were expected to be refined and elegant, hosting guests and entertaining them. Finally, in the bedroom, women were expected to be submissive and obedient to their husbands.

Victorian Era

Origins of the Quote

The quote can be traced back to an 1855 publication called "The Ladies' Companion". The publication was aimed at middle-class women and provided advice on how to be a proper woman. The quote was used in an article that discussed the different roles that women were expected to play in society. It quickly gained popularity and has since become a well-known saying.

Relevance Today

While the quote is no longer relevant in terms of the strict gender roles it represents, it is still used today to describe the different roles that people play in society. It is often used to describe the different roles that people play in a household, with one person taking care of the cooking and cleaning, another person taking care of the entertaining, and so on. It is also used to describe the different roles that people play in a workplace, with one person taking care of the administrative tasks, another person taking care of the creative tasks, and so on.

Gender Roles

Breaking Gender Roles

The quote is a reminder of the gender roles that have been imposed on society for centuries. However, it is important to remember that these roles are not set in stone, and people are free to break them. Women are no longer expected to be confined to the kitchen and the parlor, and men are no longer expected to be the sole breadwinners. It is important to recognize that everyone has the ability to break free from these roles and pursue their own goals and dreams.


"Cook in the kitchen, lady in the parlor, and a maid in the bedroom" is a quote that has been passed down through the generations. While it represents the strict gender roles that were imposed on society during the Victorian era, it is still relevant today as a reminder of the different roles that people play in society. It is important to remember that these roles are not set in stone, and everyone has the ability to break free from them and pursue their own goals and dreams.

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