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Things That Come Easy Won't Last Quote

Things That Come Easy Won'T Last Quote

Have you ever heard the quote "Things that come easy won't last, and things that last won't come easy"? This is a powerful statement that can be applied to many aspects of life. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this quote and how it can be applied to various situations.

What does the quote mean?

Meaning Of Things That Come Easy Won'T Last

The quote essentially means that things that are achieved easily or quickly are not likely to last long. It suggests that anything worth having or achieving in life requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. The things that last, whether it be a successful career, a loving relationship, or good health, are things that are earned through consistent effort and perseverance.

Applying the quote to relationships

Applying The Quote To Relationships

This quote can be particularly relevant to relationships. It's easy to fall in love quickly and have everything feel perfect in the beginning. However, without putting in the effort to communicate, compromise, and work through challenges, the relationship is unlikely to last. It's the couples who are willing to put in the hard work and make sacrifices for each other that are more likely to have a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Applying the quote to careers

Applying The Quote To Careers

The same can be said for careers. People who are successful in their careers often have to work hard and make sacrifices to get there. It's not an easy road, but the rewards are worth it in the end. On the other hand, those who take shortcuts or rely on luck to get ahead may have temporary success, but they are unlikely to have a long and fulfilling career.

Applying the quote to health

Applying The Quote To Health

Finally, this quote can also be applied to health. People who prioritize their health and make consistent efforts to eat well, exercise regularly, and manage stress are more likely to have good health in the long run. It's those who look for quick fixes or rely on unhealthy habits that may have temporary success, but they are unlikely to have good health as they age.


In conclusion, the quote "Things that come easy won't last, and things that last won't come easy" is a powerful reminder that anything worth having in life requires hard work and dedication. Whether it be in relationships, careers, or health, the things that last are earned through consistent effort and perseverance. So, the next time you find yourself looking for a shortcut or an easy way out, remember this quote and ask yourself if the easy path is worth sacrificing the long-term rewards.

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