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Starting An Apa Paper With A Quote

Apa Paper With A Quote

Starting an APA paper with a quote can be an effective way to grab the reader's attention and add some credibility to your writing. However, there are certain rules and guidelines you need to follow to ensure that your paper is properly formatted and cited. In this article, we will discuss the proper way to start an APA paper with a quote.

What is APA Style?

Apa Style

APA stands for the American Psychological Association, which is a professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. APA style is a set of guidelines for writing academic papers in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and education. It provides rules for formatting papers, citing sources, and using language that is clear and concise.

When to Use a Quote in an APA Paper


Using a quote in an APA paper can be a useful way to support your argument or provide evidence for your ideas. However, you should only use a quote when it is absolutely necessary. Here are some situations where you might want to use a quote:

  • You are discussing a specific study or piece of research and want to quote the author's exact words.
  • You want to provide a unique perspective or opinion on a topic and a quote from an expert in the field can help support your argument.
  • You want to add some variety to your writing and break up long paragraphs or sections.

How to Format a Quote in an APA Paper

Apa Paper Format

When using a quote in an APA paper, you need to follow specific guidelines for formatting and citing the quote. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Introduce the quote with a signal phrase that includes the author's name and the year of the publication. For example, "According to Smith (2018), 'quote here'."
  2. Use quotation marks around the quote and include the page number where the quote can be found in the original source. For example, "According to Smith (2018), 'quote here' (p. 23)."
  3. Include the full citation for the source in your reference list at the end of your paper.

Example of Starting an APA Paper with a Quote

Example Of Apa Paper

Here is an example of how to start an APA paper with a quote:

"According to Johnson (2016), 'The effects of social media on young people's mental health are a growing concern in today's society' (p. 45). This statement highlights the importance of understanding the impact of social media on mental health and the need for further research in this area."


Starting an APA paper with a quote can be an effective way to engage the reader and support your argument. However, you need to follow specific guidelines for formatting and citing the quote to ensure that your paper is properly formatted and cited. By following these guidelines, you can use quotes in your APA paper to add credibility and support to your writing.

Related video of Starting an APA Paper with a Quote