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In This World But Not Of It Quote

In This World But Not Of It Quote

The phrase "in this world but not of it" has been used by many people throughout history, but it is most commonly attributed to Jesus Christ. The quote is often used to describe the idea that as Christians, we are called to live in the world, but not to be consumed by it.

This quote can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on your religious beliefs and personal values. However, at its core, the quote reminds us that we are not defined by our material possessions or our earthly desires. Instead, we are called to find our true identity and purpose in God.

What Does It Mean to Be "In This World"?

In This World

Being "in this world" means that we are living in a physical world, with all of its joys and challenges. We experience both good and bad things in life, and we are affected by the events and circumstances around us.

As Christians, we are called to engage with the world around us, to love and serve others, and to be a positive influence in our communities. However, we are also called to be discerning and wise, to avoid being led astray by the values and priorities of the world.

What Does It Mean to Be "Not of This World"?

Not Of This World

Being "not of this world" means that we do not conform to the ways of the world around us. We do not find our identity or worth in material possessions, social status, or other worldly pursuits.

Instead, we find our true identity and purpose in God. We are called to live according to His values and priorities, which are often very different from the values of the world. We are called to pursue love, peace, justice, and righteousness, even when these things conflict with the values of the world.

What Are Some Examples of Being "In This World But Not of It"?

Examples Of Being In This World But Not Of It

There are many examples of people who have lived out the idea of being "in this world but not of it" throughout history. Here are just a few:

  • Mother Teresa, who dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor, even when it meant going against the values of her society.
  • Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for civil rights and racial equality, even when it meant facing persecution and opposition from the world around him.
  • Francis of Assisi, who gave up his wealth and status to live a life of poverty and service to others.

All of these individuals lived according to a higher calling, and were not swayed by the values and priorities of the world around them.

How Can We Live Out the Idea of Being "In This World But Not of It"?

How To Live Out In This World But Not Of It

Living out the idea of being "in this world but not of it" can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are a few ways that we can strive to live according to God's values and priorities:

  • Pray and seek God's guidance regularly.
  • Read and study the Bible, and apply its teachings to our lives.
  • Serve others, especially those who are marginalized or in need.
  • Live simply and resist the temptation to accumulate wealth or material possessions.
  • Seek justice and work to promote peace and reconciliation.

By living in these ways, we can be a positive influence in our communities and in the world around us. We can show others what it means to live according to a higher calling, and inspire them to do the same.


The quote "in this world but not of it" reminds us that we are called to live according to a higher calling, and to find our true identity and purpose in God. By living according to His values and priorities, we can be a positive influence in the world around us, and inspire others to do the same.

Related video of In This World But Not Of It Quote: What Does It Mean?