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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility Voltaire Original Quote


Voltaire, a famous French Enlightenment writer and philosopher, once said, "With great power comes great responsibility." This quote has become a popular saying and has been used in various contexts, including in movies, books, and politics. But what did Voltaire really mean by this quote? Let's explore the origins and meaning of this famous quote.

Who Was Voltaire?

Voltaire Portrait

Voltaire was a pen name for François-Marie Arouet, a French writer, philosopher, and historian who lived from 1694 to 1778. He was a prominent figure during the French Enlightenment, a cultural movement that emphasized reason and science over tradition and superstition. Voltaire was known for his wit, satire, and criticism of the Catholic Church and French monarchy. He wrote many works, including plays, poems, novels, essays, and letters, and was a prolific correspondent with other intellectuals of his time.

The Origin of the Quote

Voltaire Writing

The exact origin of the quote "With great power comes great responsibility" is unclear. Some sources attribute it to Voltaire's 1770 book "Dictionnaire Philosophique," where he wrote, "Les grandes puissances qui veulent tout gouverner ont besoin de beaucoup de prudence pour ne pas succomber dans l'exercice de leur autorité, et pour ne pas devenir odieuses par des abus de pouvoir." This roughly translates to "Great powers that want to govern everything need a lot of caution not to succumb in the exercise of their authority, and not to become odious by abuses of power." This statement is similar to the famous quote but does not use the exact words.

Another possible origin of the quote is from a speech by the British politician and historian Lord Acton in 1887. He said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." This statement expresses a similar idea to Voltaire's quote but uses different words.

The Meaning of the Quote

Power And Responsibility

The quote "With great power comes great responsibility" means that those who have the ability to do great things also have the obligation to use that power for good and not harm others. It implies that power brings with it a duty to act in a responsible and ethical manner, and to consider the consequences of one's actions on others. The quote suggests that those who abuse their power will face consequences and may lose their power or become disliked by others.

This quote has been applied in many contexts, such as in politics, business, and personal relationships. It emphasizes the importance of using power wisely and not exploiting it for personal gain or selfish motives. It also implies that those in power have a duty to serve others and not just themselves.

The Relevance Today

Responsibility Today

The quote "With great power comes great responsibility" is still relevant today, perhaps more than ever. In the age of social media and global communication, individuals and organizations have more power than ever before to influence others and shape public opinion. This power comes with a responsibility to use it wisely and not contribute to harmful or divisive messages. Governments, corporations, and individuals in positions of authority have a duty to act in the best interests of their constituents, stakeholders, or communities, and to consider the long-term effects of their decisions on society and the environment.


Voltaire's quote "With great power comes great responsibility" may have originated in a different form, but its meaning has endured for centuries. It reminds us that those who wield power must use it wisely and ethically, and that they have a duty to serve others and not just themselves. This quote is relevant today, as we face complex global challenges that require responsible leadership and decision-making. Let us heed Voltaire's words and strive to use our power for good.

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