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Apa Citation Of A Quote From A Person

Apa Citation Of A Quote From A Person

When writing a research paper or academic essay, it's common to include quotes from other people to support your argument. However, it's important to properly cite these quotes to give credit to the original source and avoid plagiarism. In this article, we'll discuss how to create an APA citation for a quote from a person.

What Is APA Citation?

Apa Citation

APA citation is a set of guidelines created by the American Psychological Association for citing sources in academic writing. It's one of the most commonly used citation styles in the social sciences and is known for its clear and concise format.

When To Cite A Quote From A Person

When To Cite A Quote From A Person

If you're using a direct quote from a person in your research paper or essay, you need to cite it. This includes quotes from interviews, speeches, conversations, or any other source where you're directly quoting someone's words. Even if you're paraphrasing their words, you still need to give credit to the original source.

The Components Of An APA Citation For A Quote From A Person

The Components Of An Apa Citation

When creating an APA citation for a quote from a person, there are several components you need to include:

  • The name of the person who said the quote
  • The year the quote was said or published
  • The title or description of the source where the quote was found (if applicable)
  • The page number (if applicable)

An Example Of An APA Citation For A Quote From A Person

An Example Of An Apa Citation

Here's an example of an APA citation for a quote from a person:

Smith, J. (2019). "I believe that education is the key to success" [Speech transcript]. Retrieved from

In this example, "Smith" is the name of the person who said the quote, "2019" is the year it was said, "[Speech transcript]" is the description of the source, and the URL is the location where the quote was found.

How To Include The APA Citation In Your Paper

How To Include The Apa Citation In Your Paper

When including an APA citation for a quote from a person in your research paper or essay, it's important to follow the proper formatting guidelines. Here's how to do it:

  1. Place the citation in parentheses at the end of the quote.
  2. Include the author's last name, the year the quote was said or published, and the page number (if applicable).
  3. Place the punctuation after the parentheses.

Here's an example:

"I believe that education is the key to success" (Smith, 2019, p. 5).


Citing quotes from other people is an important part of academic writing. By following the APA citation guidelines, you can give credit to the original source and avoid plagiarism. Remember to include all the necessary components in your citation and follow the proper formatting guidelines when including it in your paper.

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