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The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Quote

Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is a fictional weapon in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This movie was released in 1975 and it is a classic British comedy. The movie is known for its absurd humor, and this weapon is a great example of it. The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is a parody of the legendary Holy Grail, which is a cup that was used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper.

The Story Of The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch

Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Quote

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is introduced in the movie when King Arthur and his knights are on a quest to find the Holy Grail. They come across a group of monks who are the guardians of the Grail. The monks give them a task to complete in order to get the Grail. The task is to bring them the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

King Arthur and his knights set out to find the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. They come across a cave where they find a clue that leads them to a castle. In the castle, they find the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. The weapon is depicted as a small, white, porcelain sphere with a cross on it.

The Famous Quote

Monty Python

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch has become famous because of the quote that is associated with it. In the movie, King Arthur reads from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 2, verses 9-21:

"And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu..."

Before King Arthur can finish reading the quote, one of his knights interrupts him and says: "Skip a bit, Brother." This line has become just as famous as the quote itself.

The Legacy Of The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch

Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Movie

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch has become a cultural icon because of its appearance in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The weapon has been referenced in other movies, TV shows, and video games. It has also become a popular item in merchandise, with replicas of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch being sold online.

Despite its popularity, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch remains a fictional weapon. It has no basis in reality, and it is purely a creation of the Monty Python team. The weapon is a great example of the absurd humor that the team was known for, and it continues to make people laugh to this day.


The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is one of the most famous weapons in movie history. Its appearance in Monty Python and the Holy Grail has made it a cultural icon, and its quote has become a part of popular culture. Despite its popularity, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch remains a fictional weapon that exists only in the world of Monty Python. It is a great example of the absurd humor that the team was known for, and it will continue to make people laugh for generations to come.

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