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In Text Citation Quote Within A Quote Mla

In Text Citation Quote Within A Quote Mla

When writing academic papers, it is important to give credit to the sources you use. One way to do this is through in-text citation. In-text citation is the practice of citing sources within the text of your paper, instead of in footnotes or endnotes. This helps readers identify the source of the information you are using and also helps you avoid plagiarism. However, what happens when you need to quote a source that is already quoting someone else? This is where in-text citation quote within a quote MLA comes in handy.

What is In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote MLA?

In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote Mla Example

In-text citation quote within a quote MLA is a method of citing sources within the text of a paper when a source you are citing quotes another source. This is also known as indirect citation or secondary citation. In this case, you are not directly quoting the original source, but instead, you are quoting a source that is quoting the original source.

When using in-text citation quote within a quote MLA, you need to include both the original author and the author of the source you are using. This helps readers understand where the information is coming from and gives credit to both authors.

How to Use In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote MLA?

In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote Mla Format

Using in-text citation quote within a quote MLA is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Identify the original author and the author of the source you are using.
  2. Include the original author's name in the text of your paper, followed by "qtd. in" (which means "quoted in").
  3. Include the author of the source you are using, along with the page number where the quote can be found.
  4. Enclose the quote within quotation marks.
  5. End the citation with a period.

Here is an example of in-text citation quote within a quote MLA:

"According to Smith (qtd. in Johnson 45), 'The world is round and flat at the same time.'"

In this example, Smith is the original author and Johnson is the author of the source you are using. The quote can be found on page 45 of Johnson's work.

Why Use In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote MLA?

Importance Of In-Text Citation Quote Within A Quote Mla

Using in-text citation quote within a quote MLA is important for several reasons:

  • It gives credit to both the original author and the author of the source you are using.
  • It helps readers understand where the information is coming from.
  • It is a way to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic writing and can result in severe consequences. In-text citation quote within a quote MLA is a way to avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the sources you use.


In-text citation quote within a quote MLA is a method of citing sources within the text of a paper when a source you are citing quotes another source. It is important to use this method to give credit to both the original author and the author of the source you are using. In-text citation quote within a quote MLA is also a way to avoid plagiarism, which is a serious offense in academic writing. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily use in-text citation quote within a quote MLA in your academic papers.

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