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Where To Put A Comma After A Quote

Comma After Quote

Using commas can be confusing, especially when it comes to quotes. Knowing where to put a comma after a quote is essential in writing proper English. This article will provide you with some guidelines to help you place commas correctly after a quote.

Comma Before or After Quote?

Comma Before Or After Quote

One common question is whether to place a comma before or after a quote. The general rule is to place a comma before the quote if the quote is part of the sentence and after the quote if the quote stands alone as a sentence.

For example:

  • "I love pizza," said John.
  • "I love pizza!" John exclaimed.

In the first example, the quote is part of the sentence, so a comma is placed before it. In the second example, the quote stands alone as a sentence, so the comma is placed after it.

Comma Within a Quote

Comma Within A Quote

Another question that often arises is where to place a comma within a quote. The rule here is to place the comma inside the quotation marks.

For example:

  • "I can't believe it," she said.

In this example, the comma is placed inside the quotation marks because it is part of the quote.

Comma With Multiple Quotes

Comma With Multiple Quotes

When using multiple quotes in a sentence, it is important to know where to place the commas. A comma is placed before each quote if each quote is a complete sentence, and a comma is placed after the quote if the quote is part of the sentence.

For example:

  • "I love pizza," said John, "but I also love hamburgers."

In this example, the comma is placed before each quote because each quote is a complete sentence.

Comma With Interrupters

Comma With Interrupters

Interrupters are words or phrases that interrupt the flow of a sentence. When a quote is an interrupter, a comma is placed after the quote.

For example:

  • John, "the pizza lover," always orders a large pizza.

In this example, the quote is an interrupter, so a comma is placed after it.

Comma With Direct Address

Comma With Direct Address

When using a quote to address someone directly, a comma is placed after the quote.

For example:

  • "John, do you want some pizza?"

In this example, the comma is placed after the quote because it is addressing John directly.


Knowing where to place a comma after a quote is crucial in writing proper English. Remember to place a comma before the quote if it is part of the sentence and after the quote if it stands alone as a sentence. Place the comma inside the quotation marks, and use commas before and after quotes depending on their relationship to the sentence. With these guidelines, you can confidently use commas with quotes in your writing.

Related video of Where To Put A Comma After A Quote