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Small Loan Of A Million Dollars Quote

Donald Trump Small Loan Of A Million Dollars

“I got a small loan of a million dollars” - this is a famous quote by the former US President, Donald Trump. Trump made this statement during his presidential campaign, and it has since become a popular talking point for both his supporters and critics.

The quote has been subject to a lot of scrutiny, with many people questioning whether a loan of a million dollars can be considered small. In this article, we will take a closer look at the origins of the quote and what it means in the context of Trump’s life and career.

Origins of the Quote

Donald Trump Father Fred Trump

The quote refers to a loan that Trump received from his father, Fred Trump, in the 1970s. At the time, Trump was trying to establish himself as a real estate developer in New York City, and he needed capital to get his projects off the ground.

Fred Trump was a successful real estate developer in his own right, and he had the resources to provide his son with a loan of a million dollars. This loan gave Trump the financial backing he needed to launch his career.

What the Quote Means

Donald Trump Real Estate

The quote has been widely criticized for its apparent tone-deafness. A loan of a million dollars is not something that most people would consider to be small, and it is certainly not something that is easily attainable for the average person.

However, it is worth noting that the quote needs to be understood in the context of Trump’s life and career. Trump was born into a wealthy family, and he had access to resources that most people do not. The loan of a million dollars was a significant sum of money, but it was not an unusual amount for someone in Trump’s position.

Furthermore, the loan was not a gift - Trump had to pay it back with interest. This meant that he had to use the money wisely and invest it in projects that would generate a return.

The Impact of the Quote

Donald Trump Politics

The quote has been used as a symbol of Trump’s privilege and elitism, and it has been cited as evidence that he is out of touch with the struggles of ordinary Americans.

However, it has also been defended by Trump and his supporters, who argue that the loan was a key factor in his success as a real estate developer and businessman.

Regardless of one’s opinion of the quote, it is clear that it has had a significant impact on Trump’s public image and political career.


The small loan of a million dollars quote is a famous and controversial statement by Donald Trump. While it has been criticized for its apparent tone-deafness, it needs to be understood in the context of Trump’s life and career. The loan was a significant sum of money, but it was not an unusual amount for someone in Trump’s position. Whether one sees the quote as evidence of Trump’s privilege and elitism or as a key factor in his success, it is clear that it has had a lasting impact on his public image and political career.

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