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Single Quote And Double Quote In Javascript

When writing code in JavaScript, you may come across situations where you need to use quotes to define a string. In JavaScript, there are two types of quotes that can be used to define a string: single quotes and double quotes.

Single Quotes

Single Quote In Javascript

Using single quotes is the most common way of defining a string in JavaScript. When using single quotes, you must start and end the string with a single quote. For example:

var myString = 'This is a string defined using single quotes';

You can also use single quotes inside a string that is defined using double quotes, like this:

var myString = "This string contains a single quote: '";

Double Quotes

Double Quote In Javascript

Using double quotes to define a string in JavaScript works the same way as using single quotes. When using double quotes, you must start and end the string with a double quote. For example:

var myString = "This is a string defined using double quotes";

You can also use double quotes inside a string that is defined using single quotes, like this:

var myString = 'This string contains a double quote: "';

When To Use Single Quotes vs. Double Quotes

When To Use Single Or Double Quote In Javascript

When it comes to choosing between single quotes and double quotes, there really isn't a right or wrong answer. It's mostly a matter of personal preference.

However, there are certain situations where you may want to use one over the other:

  • If your string contains a single quote, use double quotes to define the string.
  • If your string contains a double quote, use single quotes to define the string.
  • If you're writing HTML and JavaScript code together, it's common to use double quotes to define HTML attributes and single quotes to define JavaScript strings.


Single quotes and double quotes are both used to define strings in JavaScript. It's mostly a matter of personal preference which one you use. Just be consistent in your code and choose the one that works best for you.

Related video of Single Quote And Double Quote In Javascript