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Shame On You Shame On Your Cow Quote

If you're a fan of the Disney movie, Mulan, you probably have heard the famous line, "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow." This quote has become a popular catchphrase that people use to express disapproval, disappointment, or shame. But where did this quote come from, and what does it really mean?

The Origin of the Quote

Mulan'S Shame On You Shame On Your Cow Quote

The quote "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow" was first introduced in the 1998 Disney animated movie, Mulan. The movie's protagonist, Fa Mulan, said this line to her horse, Khan, after he accidentally caused her to fall into a mud pit during training. The line has since become a popular meme and catchphrase on social media.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

Mulan'S Shame On You Shame On Your Cow Meme

The quote "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow" is a way of expressing disappointment, disapproval, or shame towards someone or something. In Mulan's case, she was disappointed with her horse for causing her to fail in her training. The quote has since been used in different contexts, including politics, relationships, and pop culture.

The Popularity of the Quote

Mulan'S Shame On You Shame On Your Cow Gif

The quote "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow" has become a popular meme and catchphrase on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People use it to express their disapproval towards someone or something in a humorous way. The quote has also been used in different languages and cultures, showing its global appeal.

The Impact of the Quote

Mulan'S Shame On You Shame On Your Cow Merchandise

The quote "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow" has had a significant impact on pop culture. It has been featured in different merchandise, such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. The quote has also been referenced in different movies, TV shows, and songs.


The quote "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow" may have started as a line from a Disney movie, but it has since become a popular catchphrase and meme. It is a way of expressing disappointment, disapproval, or shame towards someone or something in a humorous way. The quote's impact on pop culture shows its global appeal and relevance. So the next time you feel disappointed or disapproving towards someone or something, remember Mulan's wise words: "Shame On You Shame On Your Cow."

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