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Shame Me Once Shame On You Quote

Shame Me Once Shame On You Quote

“Shame me once, shame on you. Shame me twice, shame on me.” This is a quote that many people have heard, and it has become quite popular in recent years. But what does it mean, and where did it come from?

The Meaning of the Quote

The Meaning Of The Quote

The quote is essentially a warning to someone who has shamed another person. The first time that someone is shamed, it is the fault of the person who did the shaming. However, if the person is shamed a second time, it is their own fault for allowing themselves to be shamed again.

The quote is all about personal responsibility. It is saying that if someone shames you once, you can blame them for it. But if they shame you again, you have only yourself to blame for not learning from the first experience.

The Origin of the Quote

The Origin Of The Quote

The origin of the quote is not entirely clear, but it is believed to be of Chinese origin. The original quote is thought to be “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” The quote has since been adapted to include the word “shame” instead of “fool”.

The quote has become popular in recent years, and it is often used in a variety of contexts. It is used in personal relationships, business relationships, and even in politics.

How the Quote Applies to Life

How The Quote Applies To Life

The quote has a lot of relevance to life in general. It is a reminder that we are responsible for our own actions, and that we should learn from our mistakes. If someone shames us once, we can forgive them. But if they shame us again, we need to take responsibility for our own actions and make sure that we don’t allow ourselves to be shamed again.

The quote is also a reminder that we should be careful who we trust. If someone shames us once, it is a warning sign that they may not have our best interests at heart. We should be cautious about trusting them again.


The “Shame me once, shame on you. Shame me twice, shame on me” quote is a powerful reminder of personal responsibility. It is a warning to those who have been shamed that they need to take responsibility for their own actions and make sure that they don’t allow themselves to be shamed again. It is also a warning to those who have shamed someone else that they need to be careful who they trust and that they need to take responsibility for their actions.

Related video of Shame Me Once Shame On You Quote: Understanding the Meaning and Origin