Punctuation For A Quote Within A Quote
Quoting someone else’s words is a common practice in writing. However, when the quote within a quote appears, punctuation can get tricky. This article will guide you on how to punctuate a quote within a quote.
Using Single and Double Quotation Marks
When using quotation marks, it is important to use the correct punctuation marks. In American English, double quotation marks are used to enclose the quote, and single quotation marks are used to enclose a quote within a quote. For example:
John said, "Mary told me, 'I love you,' and I didn't know how to respond."
Commas and Periods
When a quote within a quote appears at the end of a sentence, the period or comma goes inside the single quotation mark. For example:
She said, "John told me, 'I am going to the store,' and then he left."
However, if the quote within a quote is not at the end of the sentence, the period or comma goes outside the single quotation mark. For example:
She said, "John told me, 'I am going to the store' before he left."
Question Marks and Exclamation Points
When a quote within a quote contains a question mark or exclamation point, the punctuation mark goes inside the single quotation mark if it belongs to the inner quote. For example:
She asked, "Did John say, 'I love you'?"
However, if the question mark or exclamation point belongs to the outer quote, it goes outside the single quotation mark. For example:
Did she really say, "John told me, 'I am going to the store'!"
Colon and Semi-Colon
When a quote within a quote contains a colon or semi-colon, the punctuation mark goes outside the single quotation mark. For example:
He said, "Mary told me: 'I am not feeling well.'"
She said, "John told me; 'I will be back soon.'"
When a quote within a quote contains an ellipsis, it is usually used to indicate omitted words. In this case, the ellipsis goes inside the single quotation mark. For example:
She said, "John told me, 'I am going to the...store.'"
Punctuating a quote within a quote can be confusing, but following these simple rules will help you get it right. Always remember to use single and double quotation marks correctly, and place punctuation marks inside or outside the quotation marks depending on the context.