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It's Better To Be Lucky Than Good Quote

Luck Vs Skill

The quote "It's better to be lucky than good" is a common phrase that can be heard in many different situations. It is often used to describe situations where someone has been successful, but it was due to luck rather than skill. While the phrase may seem to suggest that luck is more important than skill, it is important to understand the context in which it is used.

Origin of the Phrase

Lucky Vs Good Quote

The origin of the phrase is not clear, but it is believed to have originated in the world of sports. In sports, there are times when a player may get lucky and make a game-winning shot or catch a game-winning pass. This can lead to the idea that luck is more important than skill in sports.

However, the phrase can be applied to many different situations in life, not just sports. For example, someone may get a job offer because they happened to be in the right place at the right time, rather than because of their qualifications or experience.

Interpretation of the Phrase

Interpretation Of Lucky Vs Good

While the phrase may suggest that luck is more important than skill, it is important to understand that luck and skill are not mutually exclusive. Luck can certainly play a role in someone's success, but it is often combined with skill and hard work.

For example, a successful businessperson may have gotten lucky with an opportunity, but they also had the skills and knowledge to capitalize on that opportunity and turn it into a successful venture.

Implications of the Phrase

Implications Of Lucky Vs Good

The phrase "It's better to be lucky than good" can have different implications depending on how it is interpreted. On one hand, it can suggest that someone who is lucky will always be more successful than someone who is skilled.

On the other hand, it can suggest that even if someone is not particularly skilled, they still have a chance of being successful if they are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Application of the Phrase

Application Of Lucky Vs Good

The phrase "It's better to be lucky than good" can be applied in many different situations. For example, it can be used to describe a situation where someone wins the lottery, despite having no particular skill or knowledge of the game.

It can also be used to describe a situation where someone is successful in their career, despite not having the qualifications or experience that would typically be required for that position.


While the phrase "It's better to be lucky than good" may suggest that luck is more important than skill, it is important to understand that luck and skill are not mutually exclusive. Luck can certainly play a role in someone's success, but it is often combined with skill and hard work.

Ultimately, the phrase can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context in which it is used. However, it is important to remember that success is often the result of a combination of factors, including luck, skill, and hard work.

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