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I Like The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning Quote

Apocalypse Now Napalm

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning" is a famous quote from the 1979 film Apocalypse Now. The line is spoken by Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, played by Robert Duvall, during a pivotal moment in the movie. The quote has since become iconic and is often used as a reference in popular culture.

What Is Napalm?

Napalm Explosion

Napalm is a type of incendiary weapon that was first used during World War II. It is a mixture of a gelling agent and gasoline, which creates a sticky substance that burns hot and can stick to surfaces. Napalm was used extensively during the Vietnam War and was known for its ability to quickly destroy large areas of jungle and other vegetation.

The Context Of The Quote

Robert Duvall As Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore

In Apocalypse Now, Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore is a commander in the US Army during the Vietnam War. He is known for his love of surfing and his obsession with the use of napalm in combat. The quote is spoken by Kilgore as he orders an air strike on a nearby village that is suspected of harboring Viet Cong soldiers. Kilgore is excited by the prospect of using napalm and is eager to witness its destructive power firsthand.

The Legacy Of The Quote

I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning Meme

The quote has become a popular cultural reference over the years, with people using it to express excitement or enthusiasm for something. It has appeared in numerous films, TV shows, and songs, and has been parodied and referenced in countless ways. The quote is also frequently used in memes and on social media.

The Controversy Surrounding Napalm

Vietnam War Napalm

The use of napalm during the Vietnam War was highly controversial and remains a source of debate to this day. The weapon was responsible for the deaths of countless civilians and soldiers, and its use was widely criticized as inhumane and immoral. The legacy of napalm and its impact on the Vietnam War is still being studied and debated by historians and scholars around the world.


The quote "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" is a powerful and memorable line from the film Apocalypse Now. It has become a cultural reference that is recognized around the world, and has been used in countless ways in popular culture. However, it is important to remember the context in which the quote was spoken, and to acknowledge the controversy and ethical questions surrounding the use of napalm as a weapon of war.

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