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I Have Decided To Stick With Love Full Quote

Love Is The Only Force Capable Of Transforming An Enemy Into A Friend


"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King Jr. This quote is a powerful reminder of the importance of love and the negative impact that hate can have on our lives. Love is a force that can transform our world and bring us closer together, while hate only serves to divide us further. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this full quote and how we can apply it in our daily lives.

What Does the Full Quote Mean?

The full quote from Martin Luther King Jr. reads, "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love." This quote emphasizes the importance of choosing love over hate, even in the face of adversity. King believed that love was the only way to truly bring about positive change in the world, and that hatred only perpetuated violence and suffering.

Choosing Love Over Hate

Choosing love over hate is not always easy, especially in situations where we have been wronged or hurt. However, it is important to remember that hate only breeds more hate, while love has the power to heal and transform. By choosing love, we can break the cycle of violence and create a more peaceful world.

The Power of Love

Love has the power to transform our lives and the world around us. When we choose love over hate, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. Love can bring us closer together and help us to see the humanity in others, even those who may have hurt us in the past.

Applying Love in Our Daily Lives

While it may be difficult to always choose love, there are small steps we can take in our daily lives to cultivate a more loving mindset. This can include practicing empathy and compassion towards others, actively seeking out ways to help those in need, and choosing forgiveness over anger and bitterness.


In conclusion, Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear" is a powerful reminder of the importance of choosing love over hate. Love has the power to transform our lives and the world around us, and by actively choosing love in our daily lives, we can create a more peaceful and loving world.

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