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V For Vendetta Ideas Are Bulletproof Quote

V For Vendetta Ideas Are Bulletproof Quote


"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." These are the opening lines of the movie "V for Vendetta", a political thriller released in 2006. The film is set in a dystopian future in which a fascist government has taken over Britain. The story follows a masked revolutionary named "V" who aims to overthrow the government and inspire the people to take back their freedom.

The Quote

One of the most iconic lines from the movie is "Ideas are bulletproof". This line is spoken by V to his protégé Evey, as he explains his philosophy of resistance. The quote has become famous not just because of its powerful message, but also because of its relevance to our current political climate.

Ideas Are Bulletproof Quote

What Does It Mean?

At its core, the quote means that ideas cannot be destroyed by force. Bullets may kill people, but they cannot kill an idea. V believes that the government's power is built on fear and oppression, but that the people's power comes from their ideas and beliefs. By spreading his message of resistance, V hopes to inspire the people to rise up and fight for their freedom.

The Relevance Today

The quote has become particularly relevant in recent years, as the world has seen a rise in authoritarianism and attacks on free speech. In many countries, governments are cracking down on dissent and trying to silence those who speak out against them. But as V reminds us, ideas are bulletproof. No matter how hard governments try to suppress them, ideas will always find a way to spread.

Ideas Are Bulletproof Meme

The Legacy of V for Vendetta

"V for Vendetta" has become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring countless people to stand up against injustice and oppression. The movie has spawned countless memes, artwork, and even a real-life protest movement known as "Anonymous". The quote "Ideas are bulletproof" has become a rallying cry for those who believe in the power of ideas to change the world.


The quote "Ideas are bulletproof" is a powerful reminder that no matter how much governments and tyrants try to suppress free speech and dissent, they will never be able to destroy the power of ideas. As long as there are people who believe in freedom and justice, there will always be hope for a better world.

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