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Tyrion Lannister Wear It Like Armor Quote

Tyrion Lannister Wear It Like Armor Quote

Tyrion Lannister, one of the most beloved characters in the Game of Thrones series, has a quote that has resonated with fans all around the world. "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." This quote is not only powerful, but it also holds a lesson that we can all apply to our lives.

Tyrion's Struggles

Tyrion'S Struggles

Tyrion Lannister is a dwarf, and he has faced ridicule and discrimination all his life because of it. He is constantly reminded of his physical appearance, and people often underestimate him because of it. Despite all this, Tyrion has managed to rise above his struggles and become an influential character in the series.

Throughout the series, Tyrion has faced many challenges. He has been falsely accused of crimes, held captive, and even faced death. Despite all of this, he has been able to use his intelligence and wit to overcome his obstacles and come out on top.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

The Meaning Behind The Quote

When Tyrion says, "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not," he is acknowledging that people will always judge him based on his physical appearance. He cannot change the fact that he is a dwarf, but he can control how he reacts to it.

The second part of the quote, "Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you," is where the true power lies. Tyrion is essentially saying that he accepts who he is, and he is not ashamed of it. By accepting himself, he is taking away the power that others have to hurt him with their words.

Applying the Quote to Our Lives

Applying The Quote To Our Lives

We can all learn from Tyrion's quote and apply it to our own lives. We all have something that sets us apart from others, whether it be our physical appearance, our personality, or our beliefs. It is important to accept ourselves for who we are and not try to change to fit in with others.

When we accept ourselves, we take away the power that others have to hurt us with their words or actions. We can use our differences as a source of strength, rather than a weakness. By wearing our differences like armor, we can become more confident and resilient individuals.


Tyrion Lannister's "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you" quote is a powerful message that has resonated with fans all around the world. It is a reminder to accept ourselves for who we are and not be ashamed of our differences. By wearing our differences like armor, we can become more confident and resilient individuals.

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