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The Color Purple Celie Stands Up To Albert Quote

The Color Purple Movie Poster

The Color Purple is a novel by Alice Walker that was published in 1982. The book tells the story of Celie, a young African American girl who faces numerous challenges in her life, including physical and sexual abuse. The novel was later adapted into a movie in 1985, directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie starred Whoopi Goldberg as Celie and Danny Glover as Albert.

Overview of the Story

The Color Purple Book Cover

The novel is set in the early 1900s and follows the life of Celie, a young girl who is forced to marry a man named Albert. Albert is abusive towards Celie, both physically and emotionally. He also has a mistress named Shug Avery, who Celie becomes friends with. Throughout the novel, Celie learns to stand up for herself and eventually leaves Albert to start a new life.

The Quote

The Color Purple Celie

One of the most memorable quotes from the novel is when Celie stands up to Albert and tells him, "Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble." This quote is significant because it shows Celie's growth as a character. She has finally found the strength to stand up for herself and demand respect from Albert.

Celie's Journey

The Color Purple Celie And Shug

Celie's journey throughout the novel is one of self-discovery and empowerment. She starts off as a young girl who has been abused her entire life and has never known anything different. As the story progresses, she begins to realize that she deserves better and starts to stand up for herself. Her friendship with Shug Avery also helps her to see that there is more to life than just suffering.

The Significance of the Quote

The Color Purple Movie Still

The quote, "Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble," is significant because it shows that Celie has finally found her voice. She is no longer willing to accept the abuse and disrespect that she has been subjected to her entire life. The quote also shows that Celie is no longer afraid of Albert and is willing to stand up to him.


The Color Purple is a powerful novel that explores themes of abuse, empowerment, and self-discovery. Celie's journey throughout the novel is one of growth and transformation. Her quote to Albert is a powerful moment in the story and shows that she has finally found the strength to stand up for herself. The Color Purple is a must-read for anyone who is interested in exploring themes of social justice and personal empowerment.

Related video of The Color Purple: Celie Stands Up to Albert Quote