Rick And Morty Get Your Together Quote
Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science-fiction sitcom that has amassed a large cult following since its inception in 2013. The show explores the adventures of a cynical, alcoholic scientist named Rick and his good-hearted but easily influenced grandson Morty. One of the most iconic quotes from the show is "Get your together," which has become a popular catchphrase among fans.
The Origin of "Get Your Together"
The phrase "Get your together" was first used in the Season 2 episode "Total Rickall." In the episode, a group of alien parasites infiltrate the Smith household by implanting false memories of themselves into the family's minds. Rick, Morty, and the rest of the Smith family must work together to identify and eliminate the parasites before they take over the world.
During a heated argument between the characters, Rick shouts at Morty to "get your together" in order to get him to focus and stop panicking. The line quickly became a fan favorite, and has since been used in a variety of contexts both in and outside of the show.
The Meaning Behind the Quote
At its core, "Get your together" is a call to action. It's a reminder to stay focused and to not let external circumstances get in the way of achieving your goals. In the context of the show, Rick uses the phrase to snap Morty out of his own self-doubt and to get him to take action in the face of danger.
Outside of the show, the quote has taken on a life of its own. It's been used as a motivational phrase, a way to tell someone to pull themselves together, or as a humorous way to poke fun at someone who is flustered or disorganized.
The Popularity of "Get Your Together"
Since its debut on the show, "Get your together" has become a popular catchphrase both in and outside of the Rick and Morty fandom. It's been featured on merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and stickers, and has been referenced in a variety of internet memes and social media posts.
Despite its popularity, some fans have criticized the use of the phrase as being overplayed and cliché. However, for many others, "Get your together" remains a powerful reminder to stay focused and motivated in the face of adversity.
Whether you're a die-hard Rick and Morty fan or simply appreciate the show's unique brand of humor and satire, there's no denying the impact that "Get your together" has had on popular culture. As a call to action, it's a powerful reminder to stay focused and to not let external circumstances get in the way of achieving your goals.