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Paul Harvey Rest Of The Story Quote

Paul Harvey Rest Of The Story Quote

Paul Harvey was a famous American radio broadcaster who was known for his distinctive voice and his ability to tell captivating stories. One of his most famous quotes is "And now you know the rest of the story," which he used as a tagline on his radio show, "The Rest of the Story."

What is "The Rest of the Story"?

The Rest Of The Story Paul Harvey

"The Rest of the Story" was a radio program that started in the 1970s and was hosted by Paul Harvey. The show was a series of short, true stories that had a twist or a surprise ending. Harvey would tell the first part of the story, then take a commercial break. When he returned, he would reveal the unexpected conclusion and end the story with his signature line, "And now you know the rest of the story."

The Meaning of the Quote

Paul Harvey Rest Of The Story Quote

The quote "And now you know the rest of the story" has become synonymous with the idea that there's always more to a story than meets the eye. Harvey's stories often had a moral or a lesson, and his tagline was a way of emphasizing that point. The quote has since been used in other contexts to suggest that there is more to discover or to highlight the importance of getting the full picture before making a judgment.

Examples of "The Rest of the Story"

The Rest Of The Story Paul Harvey

One example of a story that Harvey told on his show was about a young boy who was caught stealing a violin. The boy's father had died, and he wanted to play the violin as a way of feeling closer to him. After the boy was caught, the owner of the violin took pity on him and gave him the instrument, along with lessons. The boy went on to become a renowned musician, and the violin he stole was worth millions of dollars. The story had a twist ending that Harvey revealed after the commercial break. Another example was about a woman who was fired from her job as a waitress because she was too friendly with the customers. She went on to start her own successful restaurant chain.

The Legacy of Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey Rest Of The Story Quote

Paul Harvey passed away in 2009, but his legacy lives on through his many fans and the impact he had on radio broadcasting. His unique storytelling style and his ability to connect with audiences made him a beloved figure, and his catchphrase "And now you know the rest of the story" is still remembered today. His influence can be seen in the work of other broadcasters who strive to engage and entertain their listeners with compelling stories.


The quote "And now you know the rest of the story" has become an enduring part of American culture, thanks to the work of Paul Harvey and his radio program, "The Rest of the Story." Harvey's ability to tell captivating stories and reveal unexpected twists has inspired generations of storytellers and broadcasters. Today, the quote is a reminder that there is always more to discover and that the full story is often more complex and interesting than we initially realize.

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