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Out Of The Mouths Of Babe Quote Meaning

Babies Talking

Have you ever heard the phrase "out of the mouths of babes"? This is a popular saying that is used to describe the profound or insightful things that children say. It is often surprising to hear such wisdom come out of the mouths of young children, and it is a reminder that we can learn a lot from them. In this article, we will explore the meaning of this quote and how it can be applied to our lives.

What Does "Out Of The Mouths Of Babes" Mean?


The phrase "out of the mouths of babes" is a proverb that has been around for centuries. It means that children can say things that are both truthful and insightful, even though they may not have the life experience or knowledge to back it up. This phrase is often used to highlight the unexpected wisdom that can come from children and to remind us that we should listen to what they have to say.

Why Do Children Say Profound Things?

Child Thinking

Children are often more observant than adults give them credit for. They are constantly learning and absorbing information from their surroundings. They are not yet jaded by the world and are able to see things in a different light. They also do not have the same social filters that adults do, so they may say things that are blunt but true. This is why children can sometimes say things that are incredibly insightful and profound.

How Can We Learn From Children?

Child Teaching

Children have a lot to teach us if we are willing to listen. They can teach us about curiosity, creativity, and how to find joy in the little things in life. They can also teach us about forgiveness, resilience, and how to be present in the moment. By paying attention to what children say and do, we can learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us.

Examples of "Out Of The Mouths Of Babes"

Babies Talking

Here are a few examples of "out of the mouths of babes" moments:

  • A child may ask a question that no adult has ever thought to ask, leading to a new discovery.
  • A child may say something that makes us think about a situation in a new and different way.
  • A child may offer a simple but profound observation that helps us see something in a new light.


The phrase "out of the mouths of babes" is a reminder that we can learn a lot from children. They have a unique perspective on the world and can say things that are both insightful and profound. By paying attention to what they say and do, we can learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us. So the next time you hear a child say something that surprises you, take a moment to listen and learn from what they have to say.

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