Office Space I Take The Specs Quote
Office Space is a classic comedy movie that has been enjoyed by many people since its release in 1999. The movie is about a group of employees who work at a software company called Initech. The main character, Peter Gibbons, is unhappy with his job and decides to take a different approach to his work life. He stops caring about his job and starts doing what makes him happy.
The Specs Quote
One of the most memorable quotes from Office Space is the Specs Quote. In the movie, Peter Gibbons is asked to fill out a form that requires him to list the specifications for his job. He becomes frustrated with the form and writes down what he actually does on a daily basis instead of the technical specifications. The quote goes as follows:
"What would you say you do here?"
"Well, look, I already told you. I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"
This quote has become a classic and is often used in memes and internet jokes. It perfectly sums up the frustration that many employees feel when asked to do meaningless tasks or fill out unnecessary paperwork.
The Importance of Office Space
Office Space is not just a funny movie, it also has a deeper meaning. The movie highlights the problems that many employees face in the workplace such as micromanagement, lack of recognition, and job dissatisfaction. It shows the importance of finding a job that makes you happy and fulfilled.
The movie has become a cult classic and is still relevant today. Many people can relate to the struggles that the characters face in the movie. It has even inspired a movement called "Office Space Syndrome" where employees who are unhappy with their job start to act like the characters in the movie.
Taking the Specs Quote to Heart
The Specs Quote has become a popular phrase among employees who are fed up with meaningless tasks and micromanagement. It has inspired people to speak up and let their bosses know what they actually do on a daily basis. By taking the Specs Quote to heart, employees can show their value and importance to the company.
The movie Office Space has become a cultural phenomenon and continues to inspire people today. It teaches us the importance of finding a job that makes us happy and fulfilled. It also shows us the value of speaking up and letting our bosses know what we actually do on a daily basis. So, the next time someone asks you to fill out a form with technical specifications, remember the Specs Quote and let them know what you really do!