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Marie Kondo If It Doesn't Spark Joy Quote

Marie Kondo If It Doesn'T Spark Joy Quote

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant and author who has taken the world by storm with her KonMari method of tidying up. Her philosophy is simple: keep only the things that spark joy in your life and let go of the rest. One of her most popular quotes is "If it doesn't spark joy, let it go." In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this quote and how you can apply it to your life.

What does "If it doesn't spark joy, let it go" mean?

Marie Kondo Books

Marie Kondo believes that we should surround ourselves only with things that make us happy. This means letting go of any possessions that don't bring us joy. Her quote "If it doesn't spark joy, let it go" means that if something doesn't make you happy or serve a purpose in your life, it's time to say goodbye to it.

This could be anything from clothes that no longer fit, to books you've already read, to sentimental items that no longer hold meaning. By letting go of these things, you are creating more space and energy in your life for the things that truly matter.

How can you apply this quote to your life?

Marie Kondo Decluttering

Applying the KonMari method to your life can be a life-changing experience. Here are some steps you can take to declutter your life using Marie Kondo's philosophy:

1. Visualize your ideal life

Marie Kondo Visualization

Before you start decluttering, take some time to visualize what your ideal life looks like. What kind of home do you want to live in? What kind of job do you want to have? What kind of relationships do you want to cultivate? By having a clear vision of what you want, you can start to let go of the things that don't align with that vision.

2. Tackle one category at a time

Marie Kondo Categories

Marie Kondo suggests tackling your possessions by category, rather than by room. This means starting with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and sentimental items. By focusing on one category at a time, you can see your progress more clearly and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

3. Hold each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy

Marie Kondo Joy

As you go through each category, hold each item in your hands and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does, keep it. If it doesn't, thank it for its service and let it go. This can be a difficult process, especially when it comes to sentimental items, but remember that you are creating space for the things that truly matter in your life.

4. Find a home for the things you keep

Marie Kondo Organizing

Once you have decluttered each category, find a home for the things you keep. Marie Kondo suggests storing things vertically, so you can see everything at a glance. She also recommends storing similar items together and giving each item a designated space. This will make it easier to find what you need and keep your space organized.

The benefits of decluttering

Marie Kondo Benefits

Decluttering your life can have a number of benefits, both physical and emotional. Here are just a few:

1. More space

By letting go of the things that don't bring you joy, you create more physical space in your life. This can make your home feel more open and inviting, and give you room to breathe.

2. Less stress

When you are surrounded by clutter, it can be difficult to focus and relax. By decluttering your space, you reduce visual noise and create a more peaceful environment.

3. More time

When your space is organized, you spend less time looking for things and more time doing the things you love. This can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

4. Improved relationships

When you are surrounded by things that make you happy, it can improve your mood and outlook on life. This can in turn improve your relationships with others, as you are more likely to be kind and compassionate when you are feeling good about yourself.


Marie Kondo's quote "If it doesn't spark joy, let it go" is a powerful reminder that we should surround ourselves only with things that make us happy. By decluttering our lives, we create more space and energy for the things that truly matter. Whether you are just starting your decluttering journey or are a seasoned KonMari pro, remember that every item you let go of is a step towards a more joyful life.

Related video of Marie Kondo If It Doesn't Spark Joy Quote: A Guide to Decluttering Your Life