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Magento 2 Get Shipping Method From Quote

Shipping is an essential part of any e-commerce store. It is crucial to have a reliable and efficient shipping method to ensure customer satisfaction. Magento 2 is a popular e-commerce platform that offers various shipping methods. In this article, we will discuss how to get the shipping method from the quote in Magento 2.

What is Quote in Magento 2?

Magento 2 Quote

Before we dive into the topic, let's first understand what a quote is in Magento 2. A quote is a temporary storage area that holds the customer's cart data during the checkout process. It contains all the information related to the products, prices, discounts, taxes, and shipping methods selected by the customer.

Once the customer completes the checkout process, the quote is converted into an order, and the necessary data is saved in the database. Therefore, getting the shipping method from the quote is crucial to calculate the shipping cost accurately.

How to Get Shipping Method from Quote in Magento 2?

Magento 2 Shipping Methods

The process of getting the shipping method from the quote in Magento 2 is relatively simple. You can use the following code snippet to get the shipping method:

$quote = $this->_checkoutSession->getQuote();$shippingMethod = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingMethod();

The above code fetches the current quote object from the checkout session and gets the shipping method from the shipping address object associated with the quote.

Now, you can use the $shippingMethod variable to calculate the shipping cost or perform any other operation related to the selected shipping method.


In conclusion, getting the shipping method from the quote is a crucial step in the checkout process of any e-commerce store. Magento 2 offers various shipping methods, and you can use the above code to fetch the selected shipping method from the quote. This will help you to calculate the shipping cost accurately and deliver a seamless checkout experience to your customers.

Related video of Magento 2 Get Shipping Method From Quote