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Magento 2 Add Extension Attribute To Quote

Magento 2 Add Extension Attribute To Quote

If you're using Magento 2 for your e-commerce website, you may have noticed that there are certain attributes that are not included in the default quote section. This can be frustrating for businesses that need to collect specific information from their customers during the checkout process. Fortunately, Magento 2 allows you to add extension attributes to the quote section, which makes it easy to collect the information you need.

What is an Extension Attribute?

What Is An Extension Attribute?

Before we dive into how to add an extension attribute to the quote section, let's first define what an extension attribute is. An extension attribute is a custom attribute that you can add to a Magento 2 object. This allows you to extend the functionality of Magento 2 without needing to modify the core code.

For example, if you wanted to add a new field to the customer registration form, you could create a new extension attribute that would be added to the customer object. This makes it easy to collect the information you need from customers, without having to modify the core code of Magento 2.

Adding an Extension Attribute to the Quote Section

Adding An Extension Attribute To The Quote Section

Now that we understand what an extension attribute is, let's look at how to add one to the quote section in Magento 2. The first step is to create a new module that will define the extension attribute. This can be done using the Magento 2 CLI tool.

Once you have created your module, you will need to create a new PHP file that will define the extension attribute. This file should be located in the following directory: app/code/[Vendor]/[Module]/Api/Data/CartExtensionInterface.php.

In this file, you will need to define the extension attribute using the following code:

interface CartExtensionInterface extends ExtensionAttributesInterface{const CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE = 'custom_attribute';/*** @return string|null*/public function getCustomAttribute();/*** @param string $value* @return $this*/public function setCustomAttribute($value);}

In this example, we are defining a new extension attribute called "custom_attribute". This attribute will be a string, and we have defined two methods to get and set the value of this attribute.

Once you have defined your extension attribute, you will need to add it to the quote object. This can be done using the Magento 2 CLI tool, or by modifying the module's XML file.

Here is an example of how to add the extension attribute to the quote object using the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Api/etc/extension_attributes.xsd"><extension_attributes for="Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface"><attribute code="custom_attribute" type="string" /></extension_attributes></config>

In this example, we are adding the "custom_attribute" extension attribute to the quote object. We have specified that this attribute is a string, and we have defined the code for the attribute.

Using the Extension Attribute

Using The Extension Attribute

Now that we have added our extension attribute to the quote object, we can use it to collect the information we need from customers during the checkout process. To access the extension attribute, we can use the following code:

$customAttribute = $quote->getExtensionAttributes()->getCustomAttribute();

In this example, we are retrieving the value of the "custom_attribute" extension attribute from the quote object. We can then use this value to collect the information we need from the customer.



By adding extension attributes to the quote section in Magento 2, you can easily collect the information you need from customers during the checkout process. This makes it easy to customize your e-commerce website to meet the needs of your business, without needing to modify the core code of Magento 2.

Related video of Magento 2 Add Extension Attribute To Quote