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It Just Doesn T Matter Movie Quote

It Just Doesn’T Matter Movie Quote


“It just doesn’t matter!” This iconic quote from the 1979 movie Meatballs has become a catchphrase for not caring about the outcome of a situation. But what does it really mean? And why has it become so popular?

Meatballs Movie

The Origin of the Quote

The quote comes from a scene in Meatballs in which Bill Murray’s character, Tripper, gives a pep talk to a group of underdog campers before their big competition against a rival camp. He tells them that it doesn’t matter if they win or lose, because they’re all winners just for trying.

Bill Murray Meatballs

The Meaning of the Quote

On the surface, “It just doesn’t matter” seems like a flippant and dismissive attitude toward whatever situation is at hand. However, the deeper meaning behind the quote is that sometimes, the outcome of a situation isn’t as important as the effort put into it. It’s about valuing the journey over the destination.

The Popularity of the Quote

Since its appearance in Meatballs, “It just doesn’t matter” has become a pop culture phenomenon. It’s been referenced in numerous TV shows, movies, and even music. The quote has taken on a life of its own, representing a carefree and easygoing attitude toward life.

The Legacy of the Quote

Almost 40 years after the release of Meatballs, “It just doesn’t matter” continues to resonate with audiences. Its message of enjoying the moment and not stressing about the outcome is a timeless one. The quote has become a reminder to not take life too seriously and to find joy in the journey.


“It just doesn’t matter” may be a simple movie quote, but its impact has been far-reaching. It’s a reminder to not get too caught up in the outcome of a situation and to enjoy the journey instead. Whether you’re facing a big challenge or just trying to navigate everyday life, remembering this quote can help you find a sense of peace and perspective.

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