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In Text Citation Direct Quote Apa 7th Edition Website

Apa 7Th Edition Website

If you are a student or a researcher, you must have come across the term "in-text citation" while writing your research paper or assignment. In-text citation is a reference to a source that you have used in your paper. APA (American Psychological Association) is a popular citation style that is widely used in social sciences. APA has released its 7th edition recently, and there are some changes in the in-text citation format. In this article, we will discuss in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website.

What is APA 7th edition?

Apa 7Th Edition Cover

APA 7th edition is the latest version of the APA citation style that was released in October 2019. This edition has some significant changes from the previous version, such as the format of in-text citations, reference list, and other guidelines. APA 7th edition has made some changes to make the citation style more accessible and usable for researchers, students, and professionals.

What is In-text Citation Direct Quote?

In Text Citation Direct Quote

In-text citation direct quote is a reference to a source that you have used in your paper, and you have directly quoted from the source. Direct quotes are the exact words from the source, and you have to use quotation marks to indicate that it is a direct quote. In APA 7th edition, you have to use the author-date format for in-text citations, which means you have to provide the author's name and publication date.

How to Format In-text Citation Direct Quote APA 7th Edition Website?

Apa 7Th Edition Website

To format in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website, you have to follow the following guidelines:

  • Provide the author's last name and publication date in parentheses after the direct quote. For example, (Smith, 2020).
  • For website sources, you have to provide the author's name, publication date, and the title or description of the webpage in italics. For example, (Smith, 2020, "APA 7th Edition Website").
  • If the website source does not have an author, you have to use the title or description of the webpage in italics. For example, ("APA 7th Edition Website," 2020).

Examples of In-text Citation Direct Quote APA 7th Edition Website

Here are some examples of in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website:

  • According to Smith (2020), "APA 7th edition has made some significant changes in the citation style."
  • "APA 7th edition has made some significant changes in the citation style" (Smith, 2020).
  • "APA 7th edition is the latest version of the APA citation style" ("APA 7th Edition Website," 2020).


In conclusion, in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website is a reference to a source that you have used in your paper and have directly quoted from the source. APA 7th edition has made some changes to the in-text citation format, and you have to use the author-date format for in-text citations. To format in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website, you have to provide the author's name, publication date, and title or description of the webpage in italics. By following these guidelines, you can format your in-text citation direct quote APA 7th edition website accurately.

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