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In Text Citation Apa Quote Within A Quote

Apa Citation

If you are writing an academic paper or a research article, you must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) citation format. APA citation format is used to cite sources in social sciences, education, psychology, and other related fields. In-text citation APA quote within a quote is a common citation format used in academic writing.

What is In-Text Citation APA Quote Within A Quote?

Apa In-Text Citation

In-text citation APA quote within a quote is a citation format used when you are citing a direct quote within another quote. For example, if you are writing a paper and you want to quote a phrase from a book, and that phrase already includes a direct quote, you will need to use in-text citation APA quote within a quote format.

How to Use In-Text Citation APA Quote Within A Quote?

Apa Quote

To use in-text citation APA quote within a quote format, you should follow the steps below:

  1. First, you should include the original quote in your text inside double quotation marks.
  2. Second, you should use a single quotation mark to indicate the quoted material within the original quote.
  3. Third, you should include the author's name, year of publication, and page number in parentheses immediately after the quoted material.
  4. Finally, you should include a reference list entry for the source that you cited.

Examples of In-Text Citation APA Quote Within A Quote

Apa Examples

Here are some examples of in-text citation APA quote within a quote:

  • According to Smith (2010), "Jones (2005) defined motivation as 'the driving force behind all human actions'" (p. 27).
  • As Jones (2005) stated, "Motivation is 'the driving force behind all human actions'" (as cited in Smith, 2010, p. 27).


In-text citation APA quote within a quote format is a common citation format used in academic writing. It is important to follow the APA citation format when citing sources in your paper. By using in-text citation APA quote within a quote format, you can provide your readers with accurate and reliable information.

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