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In A Gold Rush Sell Shovels Quote

Gold Rush Shovel Quote

The quote "In a gold rush sell shovels" is a well-known saying in the business world. It means that in times of high demand, the best way to make money is to sell the tools required to meet that demand, rather than trying to compete with everyone else for a share of the market.

The Origins of the Quote

Gold Rush Miners With Shovels

The quote is often attributed to Mark Twain, but there is no evidence that he actually said it. The phrase may have originated during the California Gold Rush of the mid-19th century, when thousands of people flocked to the state in search of fortune.

Most of these gold seekers were not successful in their search for gold, but many people made money by selling supplies to the miners. Shovels, picks, and other tools were essential for mining, and those who sold them could make a tidy profit.

The Meaning of the Quote

Shovel Sales

The quote "In a gold rush sell shovels" has become a popular way to describe business opportunities. It means that when there is a surge in demand for a particular product or service, the best way to capitalize on that demand is to provide the tools or resources needed to meet it.

For example, during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, many people made money by selling web design services, internet advertising, and other tools that were needed to build and promote websites. Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, companies that produced masks, hand sanitizer, and other essential items saw a surge in demand and profits.

The Risks of the Gold Rush Mentality

Gold Rush Miners With Tools

While the "sell shovels" mentality can be a great way to take advantage of a business opportunity, it can also be risky. When everyone is rushing to sell shovels, the market can quickly become saturated, and profits can evaporate as competition increases.

Moreover, relying too heavily on the "sell shovels" mentality can lead to a lack of innovation. If everyone is selling the same tools, there is little incentive to create new and better products that could meet the same demand more efficiently or effectively.

The Importance of Finding Your Niche

Gold Rush Miner With Gold

To succeed in business, it is important to find your niche – the area where you can provide unique value to your customers. This may involve selling shovels, but it could also involve offering a new or innovative tool that meets the demand in a more efficient or effective way.

When you find your niche, you can build a loyal customer base that values your products or services for what they offer, rather than just because they are necessary to meet a demand.


The "sell shovels" quote has become a popular way to describe business opportunities, but it is important to understand the risks and limitations of this approach. By finding your niche and providing unique value to your customers, you can build a sustainable business that can thrive even when the gold rush is over.

Related video of In A Gold Rush Sell Shovels Quote