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I Believe In Christianity Cs Lewis Quote

I Believe In Christianity Cs Lewis Quote


“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” This quote by C.S. Lewis perfectly captures the essence of what it means to be a Christian. It’s not just about believing in something blindly, but rather seeing the world through a different lens that allows us to truly understand the beauty and complexity of life.


C.S. Lewis was a British writer and theologian who is best known for his works on Christianity, including the Chronicles of Narnia series. He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1898 and grew up in a Protestant family. Lewis attended Oxford University, where he became close friends with fellow writer J.R.R. Tolkien. It was during this time that Lewis began to explore Christianity, eventually converting to the faith in 1931.

C.S. Lewis

What Does the Quote Mean?

At its core, this quote is about the transformative power of faith. When we believe in something as fundamental as Christianity, it changes the way we see the world around us. It’s not just about accepting a set of beliefs, but rather about gaining a new perspective on life that allows us to truly appreciate its beauty and complexity.

Seeing the World Through a Christian Lens

When we see the world through a Christian lens, we begin to understand that everything is connected. We see the beauty in nature, the complexity of human relationships, and the ultimate purpose of our existence. This worldview allows us to appreciate the good in life and to see the challenges we face as opportunities for growth and learning.

Christianity Lens

Belief in Christianity and Reason

Believing in Christianity doesn’t mean ignoring reason or science. In fact, Lewis was a strong advocate for using reason and logic in our faith. He believed that Christianity wasn’t just a blind belief, but rather a rational one that could be backed up by evidence and reasoning.

Christianity and Morality

Another important aspect of Christianity is its emphasis on morality. When we believe in Christianity, we are called to live a life that is guided by principles of love, compassion, and justice. This means treating others with kindness and respect, and standing up against injustice and oppression.


In conclusion, the quote “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else” by C.S. Lewis perfectly captures the transformative power of faith. Believing in Christianity doesn’t mean ignoring reason or science, but rather gaining a new perspective on life that allows us to truly appreciate its beauty and complexity. It’s a call to live a life that is guided by morality and compassion, and to see the world through a lens of love and understanding.

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