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Game Of Thrones First Of His Name Quote

Game Of Thrones - First Of His Name Quote

The Origin of the Quote

"First of His Name" is a quote from the popular television series, Game of Thrones. The show is based on the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire," written by George R.R. Martin. The quote is used to signify the coronation of a new king or queen in the Seven Kingdoms. It is used to introduce the new ruler, and to establish their reign as the first of their name.

Game Of Thrones

The Significance of the Quote

The quote "First of His Name" is significant because it establishes the new ruler's legitimacy. It signifies that the new ruler is the first of their name to hold the throne, and therefore, has no predecessor or rival claimant. The quote is also used to establish a sense of continuity and tradition in the Seven Kingdoms. It emphasizes the importance of lineage and heritage, and the idea that the new ruler is part of a long line of kings and queens.

Examples of the Quote in the Show

The quote "First of His Name" is used throughout the show to introduce new rulers. For example, in Season 4, Episode 5, Tommen Baratheon is crowned as the new king of the Seven Kingdoms. The High Septon announces his coronation by saying, "Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

Tommen Baratheon

Another example of the quote being used is when Daenerys Targaryen is introduced as the queen of Meereen. The herald announces her arrival by saying, "Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons."

Daenerys Targaryen


The quote "First of His Name" is a significant part of the Game of Thrones universe. It is used to establish the legitimacy of new rulers, and to emphasize the importance of lineage and heritage in the Seven Kingdoms. The quote has become a popular catchphrase among fans of the show, and is often used to refer to the various rulers throughout the series.

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