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Email Address With Single Quote Won T Send

When sending emails, you might encounter an error where an email address with a single quote won't send. This can be frustrating, especially if you need to communicate with someone urgently. In this article, we will explore why this happens and how to fix it.

What is a Single Quote?

A single quote is a character that is used to indicate the beginning or end of a string of characters, particularly in programming languages. It is also known as an apostrophe and is represented by the symbol '.

Single quotes are commonly used when defining strings in programming languages such as Python, PHP, and JavaScript. They are also used in SQL queries to specify string values.

Why Won't an Email Address with a Single Quote Send?

When you try to send an email to an address that contains a single quote, the email client may not recognize it as a valid email address. This is because the single quote is a special character that can be misinterpreted by email clients.

For example, if you try to send an email to john.o', the email client may interpret the single quote as the end of the email address, resulting in an error.

How to Fix Email Addresses with Single Quotes

There are a few ways to fix email addresses with single quotes:

1. Use Double Quotes

Double Quotes Symbol

One way to fix email addresses with single quotes is to use double quotes instead. For example, instead of entering john.o', you can enter "john.o'".

This will tell the email client that the entire string is the email address, including the single quote.

2. Escape the Single Quote

Escape Symbol

Another way to fix email addresses with single quotes is to escape the single quote by adding a backslash (\) before it. For example, you can enter john.o\'

This tells the email client to interpret the single quote as part of the email address, rather than as a special character.

3. Use a Different Character

Different Character Symbol

If neither of the above solutions work, you can try using a different character instead of the single quote. For example, you can use a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_) instead of a single quote.


If you encounter an error where an email address with a single quote won't send, don't worry. There are several ways to fix this issue, including using double quotes, escaping the single quote, or using a different character.

By following these solutions, you can ensure that your emails are delivered successfully, even if they contain special characters like single quotes.

Related video of Email Address With Single Quote Won't Send