Common Sense Ain't So Common Quote
Have you ever heard the phrase "common sense ain't so common"? It's a popular saying that means many people lack basic knowledge and reasoning abilities that should be common sense. The quote is often used to highlight how society has become increasingly dependent on technology and less aware of their surroundings.
Origins of the Quote
The quote is often attributed to the French writer Voltaire, but there isn't any concrete evidence to support this claim. It's possible that the quote has been misattributed over the years, but the sentiment behind the quote remains the same.
What Does the Quote Mean?
The quote "common sense ain't so common" is a reminder that what one person may consider common sense, may not be common for everyone. It's easy to assume that everyone has the same knowledge and abilities, but this is not always the case. For example, someone who grew up on a farm may have a different understanding of what is common sense compared to someone who grew up in a city.
Why Is Common Sense Important?
Common sense is important because it allows us to make informed decisions based on our knowledge and experiences. It allows us to navigate the world around us and make decisions that are in our best interest. Without common sense, we would be lost and unable to make decisions that are necessary for our survival.
Examples of Lack of Common Sense
There are many examples of situations where people lack common sense. For example, someone who texts while driving is putting themselves and others in danger. Another example is someone who doesn't wear a mask during a pandemic, putting themselves and others at risk.
How to Improve Common Sense
Improving common sense is a lifelong process that requires continuous learning and self-reflection. Some ways to improve common sense include reading, traveling, and engaging in new experiences. These activities can help broaden your knowledge and understanding of the world around you.
The quote "common sense ain't so common" is a reminder that we should not assume everyone has the same knowledge and abilities as us. It's important to recognize that what is common sense for one person may not be common for another. By improving our common sense, we can make better decisions and navigate the world around us with more confidence.