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Blade Runner Like Tears In Rain Quote

Blade Runner Movie


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain." These are the iconic words spoken by the replicant Roy Batty in the 1982 science fiction film "Blade Runner." These words have since become one of the most famous movie quotes in history and have been referenced in countless films, TV shows, and even music. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the "Blade Runner like tears in rain quote" and why it has resonated with audiences for nearly four decades.

The Context of the Quote

Roy Batty

The quote is spoken by the character Roy Batty, a replicant who has escaped from an off-world colony and returned to Earth to confront his creator. Roy is a highly advanced model of replicant, designed for combat and exploration, and has an accelerated lifespan of only four years. Throughout the film, Roy and his fellow replicants struggle to come to terms with their mortality and seek to extend their lives by any means necessary.

At the end of the film, Roy confronts his creator, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, and demands more life. When Tyrell explains that this is impossible, Roy realizes that his life is coming to an end and delivers the "Blade Runner like tears in rain quote" as a reflection on his life and the experiences he has had.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

Rain In Blade Runner

There are many interpretations of the "Blade Runner like tears in rain quote," but most agree that it is a meditation on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing our experiences while we can. Roy's experiences are unique to him, and he knows that they will be lost forever when he dies, much like tears that are washed away by rain.

The quote also highlights the tragedy of Roy's situation. Despite his strength and intelligence, he is ultimately powerless to prevent his own death. His experiences, like those of all humans and replicants, are limited by the inevitability of death.

The Legacy of the Quote

Blade Runner Movie Poster

The "Blade Runner like tears in rain quote" has become one of the most famous and enduring movie quotes of all time. It has been referenced in countless films, TV shows, and even music, and has become a part of popular culture. The quote has also inspired countless discussions and debates about the meaning of life and the nature of mortality.

More than 30 years after the release of "Blade Runner," the quote remains as powerful and thought-provoking as ever. It continues to resonate with audiences around the world and is likely to do so for many years to come.


The "Blade Runner like tears in rain quote" is a powerful and poignant reflection on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing our experiences while we can. It has become one of the most famous and enduring movie quotes of all time and continues to inspire discussions and debates about the meaning of life and the nature of mortality. Whether you are a fan of science fiction or not, the quote is a powerful reminder to live life to the fullest and appreciate the moments we have.

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