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Birds Of A Feather Flock Together Full Quote

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together


“Birds of a feather flock together” is a well-known proverb that has been used for centuries. It is a metaphorical phrase that means people with similar interests and characteristics tend to associate with each other. This quote is often used to describe how people tend to form groups and communities with people who are similar to themselves.

Origin of the Quote

The origin of the quote “birds of a feather flock together” can be traced back to the 16th century. The first known use of this phrase was in the book “The Proverbs and Epigrams of John Heywood” in 1546. However, the concept behind the quote has been around for much longer, and can be found in various ancient texts and literature.

Meaning Of Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

Meaning of the Quote

The meaning of “birds of a feather flock together” is quite simple. It means that people who are similar to each other tend to form groups and communities. This can be based on common interests, values, beliefs, or even physical characteristics. When people have things in common, they are more likely to get along and form relationships with each other.

Examples of the Quote

There are many examples of how the quote “birds of a feather flock together” is used in everyday language. For instance, it can be used to describe how people in a particular profession tend to hang out with each other. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers are often found in groups with other people in their respective fields. Similarly, people who enjoy a particular hobby, such as gardening or hiking, will often form groups and communities with others who share that interest.

The Negative Side of the Quote

While “birds of a feather flock together” can be a positive thing, there is also a negative side to it. When people only associate with others who are similar to them, they may become closed-minded and unwilling to accept people who are different. This can lead to a lack of diversity and a lack of understanding of other cultures and perspectives. It is important to remember that while it is natural to want to be around people who are similar to us, we should also make an effort to learn from and appreciate people who are different.

Story Of Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

Story of Birds of a Feather Flock Together

There is a story that illustrates the meaning of “birds of a feather flock together”. It is said that a group of swans was flying south for the winter when they came across some ducks. The swans asked the ducks to join them on their journey, but the ducks declined, saying that they were happy where they were. The swans continued on their journey, while the ducks stayed behind. When winter came, the weather turned cold and harsh, and the ducks struggled to survive. Meanwhile, the swans were enjoying the warm weather in their new home. The moral of the story is that sometimes it is better to leave your comfort zone and join a new community, even if it means leaving familiar surroundings.


The quote “birds of a feather flock together” is a well-known proverb that describes how people tend to form relationships with others who are similar to themselves. While this can be a positive thing, it is important to remember that diversity and understanding of different cultures and perspectives are also important. We should strive to learn from and appreciate people who are different from us, while still enjoying the company of those who are similar.

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