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Anne Of Green Gables Bosom Friends Quote

Anne Of Green Gables Bosom Friends Quote

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” This quote is one of the most famous lines from the book Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. The novel, first published in 1908, has been a favorite of readers of all ages for over a century. The character of Anne Shirley is known for her imagination, her love of nature, and her ability to find joy in even the most difficult situations. But perhaps her most enduring quality is her ability to find and make bosom friends.

What is a Bosom Friend?

Bosom Friend

In the world of Anne of Green Gables, a bosom friend is more than just a close companion. It is someone who understands your soul, who shares your joys and sorrows, and who will always be there for you. Anne finds her first bosom friend in Diana Barry, the neighbor girl who becomes her closest confidante. Later, she finds other kindred spirits in her schoolmates, her teachers, and even in the stern and initially disapproving Marilla Cuthbert.

The Importance of Friendship

Importance Of Friendship

The theme of friendship is central to Anne of Green Gables and to many of Montgomery's other works. For Montgomery, friendship was not just a pleasant diversion, but a fundamental human need. It is through our connections with others that we find meaning and purpose in life, that we learn and grow, and that we face the challenges that come our way. As Anne herself says, “What is the use of being alive if you can't do something remarkable?”. It is through her friendships that she is able to do just that.

Appreciating the Kindred Spirits in Our Lives

Kindred Spirits

One of the reasons that Anne of Green Gables has remained so popular over the years is that it speaks to a universal human experience. We all long to find someone who understands us, who shares our passions, and who accepts us for who we are. But sometimes, we take these kindred spirits for granted. We forget to appreciate the people who make our lives better, who bring us joy and comfort, and who help us to be our best selves.

So, the next time you read Anne of Green Gables or watch one of its adaptations, take a moment to think about the bosom friends in your own life. Who are the people who have been there for you through thick and thin? Who understands you in a way that no one else can? Who makes you feel like you belong? These are the people who make life worth living, and who remind us that we are never truly alone in this world.

The Legacy of Anne of Green Gables

Anne Of Green Gables Legacy

Since its publication over a century ago, Anne of Green Gables has become a beloved classic of children's literature. It has been adapted into numerous films, television shows, and stage productions. Its themes of friendship, imagination, and the beauty of nature continue to resonate with readers of all ages. And its heroine, the irrepressible Anne Shirley, remains an inspiration to generations of readers.

So, whether you are a lifelong fan of Anne of Green Gables or are discovering it for the first time, take some time to appreciate the wisdom and beauty of this timeless story. And remember, as Anne herself says, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet.”

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