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Abraham Lincoln Quote A House Divided Cannot Stand

Abraham Lincoln Quote

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, delivered a speech on June 16, 1858, in Springfield, Illinois, in which he said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This quote has become one of the most famous statements in American political history.

The Context of the Quote

Context Of The Quote

The speech that included this famous quote was Lincoln's address to the Illinois Republican State Convention, where he accepted the nomination to run for the U.S. Senate against Stephen A. Douglas. At the time, the issue of slavery was tearing the country apart, and Lincoln used this speech to address the issue and offer his thoughts on how to move forward.

The Meaning of the Quote

Meaning Of The Quote

Lincoln's quote about a house divided is a metaphor for the United States. He believed that without unity, the country would collapse. He argued that the country could not continue to exist as both a free and slave state, and that eventually, one system would have to prevail over the other. He believed that the country needed to choose one path or the other and work towards a common goal.

The Significance of the Quote

Significance Of The Quote

Lincoln's speech and the quote about a house divided became even more significant in the years that followed. The country did eventually choose a path, and the result was the Civil War. The war was fought over the issue of slavery, and Lincoln's belief that the country could not remain divided proved to be prophetic. The Union ultimately prevailed, and slavery was abolished, but the country was forever changed.

The Legacy of the Quote

Legacy Of The Quote

Lincoln's quote about a house divided has become one of the most famous statements in American history. It has been quoted by politicians, historians, and scholars for over a century and a half. The quote has been used to address issues beyond the realm of politics, such as in discussions about family, community, and the workplace. It has become a symbol of the need for unity and cooperation to achieve a common goal.

The Relevance of the Quote Today

Relevance Of The Quote Today

Lincoln's quote about a house divided remains relevant today. The country is still grappling with issues of division, polarization, and identity politics. The quote serves as a reminder that unity and cooperation are essential for progress and that the country cannot afford to be divided against itself. The quote also serves as a warning that if the country does not address its divisions, it risks collapsing from within.


Abraham Lincoln's quote about a house divided has become one of the most famous statements in American history. It serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and cooperation and the dangers of division and polarization. The quote remains relevant today and will likely continue to be quoted for generations to come.

Related video of Abraham Lincoln Quote: "A House Divided Cannot Stand"