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A Closed Mouth Doesn't Get Fed Quote

Quote About Speaking Up

“A closed mouth doesn't get fed” is a popular quote that emphasizes the importance of speaking up for oneself. This quote has been attributed to many individuals over the years, including the rapper Jay-Z and civil rights activist Malcolm X. Regardless of who originally said it, the message remains the same: if you don't ask for what you want, you won't get it.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

Meaning Behind The Quote

At its core, “A closed mouth doesn't get fed” is a call to action. It's a reminder that if we want something, we need to speak up and ask for it. Whether it's a promotion at work, a raise, or simply expressing our feelings to a loved one, we need to be willing to use our voices to get what we want.

However, the quote also has a deeper meaning. It speaks to the idea that we are responsible for our own happiness and success. If we wait for others to give us what we want, we may be waiting forever. It's up to us to take action and pursue our goals.

The Importance of Speaking Up

Importance Of Speaking Up

Speaking up is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows us to express our needs and desires. By communicating what we want, we increase the likelihood of getting it. Secondly, speaking up helps us build confidence and assertiveness. The more we practice using our voices, the more comfortable we become with doing so.

Finally, speaking up can also lead to personal growth and development. When we ask for what we want, we are taking ownership of our lives and our futures. We are no longer passive bystanders, waiting for things to happen to us. Instead, we are actively working towards our goals and creating the life we want.

The Risks of Not Speaking Up

Risks Of Not Speaking Up

On the other hand, failing to speak up can have serious consequences. If we don't express our needs and desires, we may become resentful or unhappy. We may feel like we are being taken advantage of or that our opinions don't matter.

In addition, not speaking up can also lead to missed opportunities. If we don't ask for what we want, we may never know if it was possible to get it. We may miss out on promotions, raises, or even relationships simply because we didn't put ourselves out there.

How to Speak Up

How To Speak Up

For some people, speaking up comes naturally. They are confident and assertive, and have no problem expressing their thoughts and feelings. However, for others, speaking up can be a challenge.

If you struggle with speaking up, there are several things you can do to improve. Firstly, practice. The more you speak up, the easier it will become. Start small by expressing your opinions in low-stakes situations, such as with friends or family members.

Secondly, be clear and concise. When you do speak up, make sure you are communicating your message effectively. Be direct and honest, and avoid beating around the bush.

Finally, be confident. Remember that you have the right to express your thoughts and feelings. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don't be afraid to take risks.


“A closed mouth doesn't get fed” is a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking up for oneself. Whether it's asking for a promotion at work or expressing our feelings to a loved one, we need to be willing to use our voices to get what we want. By doing so, we can build confidence, assertiveness, and create the life we want.

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