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Top Gun Below The Hard Deck Quote

Top Gun Below The Hard Deck Quote


Top Gun is a classic movie that has been popular since its release in 1986. One of the most famous quotes from the movie is "I feel the need...the need for speed!" However, there is another quote from the movie that is just as memorable. This quote is "Keep your ego in check and your eyes below the hard deck." In this article, we will delve into the meaning of this quote and its significance in the movie.

The Origin of the Quote

The quote "Keep your ego in check and your eyes below the hard deck" is said by the character Viper, who is played by Tom Skerritt. Viper is a seasoned pilot and instructor at the Top Gun school. He is known for his wisdom and experience in the field of aviation.

Top Gun Viper

The Meaning Behind the Quote

The hard deck is a term used in aviation to refer to the lowest altitude that a pilot is allowed to fly. It is a safety measure that ensures that pilots do not crash into the ground or other objects. In the context of the movie, the hard deck represents a boundary that the pilots must not cross.

Viper's quote is a reminder to the pilots to stay focused on the task at hand and not let their egos get in the way. He is telling them to keep their eyes on the instruments and not get distracted by the adrenaline rush of flying at high speeds. By doing so, they will be able to perform their duties safely and effectively.

The Significance of the Quote

The quote "Keep your ego in check and your eyes below the hard deck" is significant because it represents a fundamental principle of aviation. Pilots must be disciplined and focused in order to operate aircraft safely. This principle is especially important in high-pressure situations, such as those encountered by the pilots in the movie.

The quote also represents a broader message about humility and self-control. Viper is telling the pilots that they are not invincible and that they must respect the limits of their abilities and equipment. This message is relevant not only to pilots but to anyone who operates machinery or performs high-risk activities.


The quote "Keep your ego in check and your eyes below the hard deck" is a memorable and significant part of the movie Top Gun. It represents a fundamental principle of aviation and a broader message about humility and self-control. By staying focused and disciplined, pilots can perform their duties safely and effectively. This message is relevant not only to pilots but to anyone who performs high-risk activities.

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