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Tell Me A Secret League Of Legends Quote

League Of Legends Quote

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has gathered a massive fan following worldwide. The game has its own unique language, including several quotes that are well-known among the players. These quotes add to the excitement and thrill of the game, and many players have their favorites. Some of the most popular quotes in League of Legends are:

"I will not falter!"

I Will Not Falter League Of Legends

This quote is from Garen, one of the champions in the game. Garen is known for his bravery and determination, and this quote perfectly captures his spirit. When Garen utters these words, he is ready to face any challenge that comes his way.

"The heart is the strongest muscle."

The Heart Is The Strongest Muscle League Of Legends

This quote is from Braum, another champion in the game. Braum is known for his strength and resilience, and this quote perfectly captures his philosophy. According to Braum, the heart is the strongest muscle in the body, and it is the key to overcoming any obstacle.

"The cycle of life and death continues."

The Cycle Of Life And Death Continues League Of Legends

This quote is from Nasus, one of the champions in the game. Nasus is an ancient being who has lived for centuries, and this quote reflects his wisdom and experience. According to Nasus, the cycle of life and death is an eternal one, and it is something that all beings must accept.

"Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code."

Never Underestimate The Power Of The Scout'S Code League Of Legends

This quote is from Teemo, one of the champions in the game. Teemo is a scout who is known for his agility and cunning, and this quote reflects his belief in the Scout's code. According to Teemo, the Scout's code is a powerful force that should never be underestimated.

"I was hiding."

I Was Hiding League Of Legends

This quote is from Twitch, one of the champions in the game. Twitch is a sneaky and elusive champion who is known for his ability to hide in the shadows. When Twitch utters these words, he is admitting that he was hiding, but he is also ready to strike at any moment.

"The dawn has arrived."

The Dawn Has Arrived League Of Legends

This quote is from Leona, one of the champions in the game. Leona is a radiant champion who is associated with the sun, and this quote reflects her connection to the dawn. According to Leona, the dawn is a time of new beginnings and hope.

"You can't milk those!"

You Can'T Milk Those! League Of Legends

This quote is from Alistar, one of the champions in the game. Alistar is a powerful Minotaur who is known for his strength, and this quote reflects his humor. When Alistar utters these words, he is making a joke that has become famous among the players.

"Time for a true display of skill!"

Time For A True Display Of Skill! League Of Legends

This quote is from Lee Sin, one of the champions in the game. Lee Sin is a martial artist who is known for his mastery of the martial arts, and this quote reflects his confidence. When Lee Sin utters these words, he is ready to show off his skills to the world.

"You belong in a museum!"

You Belong In A Museum! League Of Legends

This quote is from Ezreal, one of the champions in the game. Ezreal is an adventurer who is known for his wit and charm, and this quote reflects his humor. When Ezreal utters these words, he is teasing his opponents and implying that they are relics of the past.

"The unseen blade is the deadliest."

The Unseen Blade Is The Deadliest League Of Legends

This quote is from Zed, one of the champions in the game. Zed is a ninja who is known for his stealth and agility, and this quote reflects his philosophy. According to Zed, the unseen blade is the deadliest because it is unexpected and catches the opponent off guard.

"The only true death is to never live."

The Only True Death Is To Never Live League Of Legends

This quote is from Kalista, one of the champions in the game. Kalista is a spectral warrior who is known for her devotion to the dead, and this quote reflects her belief in the importance of living life to the fullest. According to Kalista, the only true death is to never live.

"I am the fire that cleanses the world."

I Am The Fire That Cleanses The World League Of Legends

This quote is from Brand, one of the champions in the game. Brand is a fiery demon who is known for his destructive powers, and this quote reflects his belief that fire is a force of purification. According to Brand, he is the fire that cleanses the world of impurities.

"By my will, this shall be finished."

By My Will, This Shall Be Finished League Of Legends

This quote is from Mordekaiser, one of the champions in the game. Mordekaiser is a powerful warlord who is known for his iron will, and this quote reflects his determination to see things through to the end. According to Mordekaiser, if he wills something to be finished, it shall be.

"I am the weapon."

I Am The Weapon League Of Legends

This quote is from Jax, one of the champions in the game. Jax is a powerful warrior who is known for his mastery of weapons, and this quote reflects his belief that he himself is the ultimate weapon. According to Jax, his skills and abilities are what make him a deadly force on the battlefield.

"Comfort breeds weakness."

Comfort Breeds Weakness League Of Legends

This quote is from Riven, one of the champions in the game. Riven is a fierce warrior who is known for her determination and grit, and this quote reflects her belief that comfort is the enemy of strength. According to Riven, those who seek comfort will become weak in the face of adversity.

"Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon."

Precision Is The Difference Between A Butcher And A Surgeon League Of Legends

This quote is from Shen, one of the champions in the game. Shen is a ninja who is known for his precision and skill, and this quote reflects his belief that precision is the key to success. According to Shen, the difference between a butcher and a surgeon is precision.

"My blade is yours."

My Blade Is Yours League Of Legends

This quote is from Tryndamere, one of the champions in the game. Tryndamere is a powerful warrior who is known for his loyalty and courage, and this quote reflects his belief that his blade belongs to those he serves. According to Tryndamere, his blade is always at the service of those who need it.

"Beware a man with nothing to lose."

Beware A Man With Nothing To Lose League Of Legends

This quote is from Varus, one of the champions in the game. Varus is a deadly archer who is known for his vengeance, and this quote reflects his belief that a man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous of all. According to Varus, those who have lost everything have nothing left to fear.

"The guilty will know agony."

The Guilty Will Know Agony League Of Legends

This quote is from Kayle, one of the champions in the game. Kayle is a divine warrior who is known for her sense of justice, and this quote reflects her belief that the guilty will be punished. According to Kayle, those who have done wrong will know agony.

"The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die."

The Cycle Of Life And Death Continues. We Will Live, They Will Die League Of Legends

This quote is from Karthus, one of the champions in the game. Karthus is a spectral singer who is known for his haunting voice, and this quote reflects his belief in the inevitability of death. According to Karthus, the cycle of life and death is eternal, and those who live will eventually die.

"The eyes never lie."

The Eyes Never Lie League Of Legends

This quote is from Xerath, one of the champions in the game. Xerath is a powerful mage who is known for his ability to control lightning, and this quote reflects his belief in the importance of perception. According to Xerath, the eyes never lie, and what we see is the truth.

"The guilty will know retribution."

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