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R.O.U.S. Princess Bride Quote

R.O.U.S. From The Princess Bride

If you’re a fan of classic movies, then you’ve probably heard of The Princess Bride. This iconic movie has been entertaining audiences for decades with its quirky characters, witty dialogue, and unforgettable scenes. One of the most famous lines from the movie is the quote about R.O.U.S. What does this quote mean, and why is it so beloved by fans of the movie?

What Is R.O.U.S.?

R.O.U.S. Definition From The Princess Bride

R.O.U.S. stands for “Rodents Of Unusual Size.” In the context of The Princess Bride, these are giant rats that inhabit the Fire Swamp, a treacherous area that the movie’s heroes must traverse to reach their destination. The R.O.U.S. creatures are one of the many dangers that the heroes face, and they are often used for comedic effect.

The Princess Bride Quote About R.O.U.S.

The Princess Bride Quote About R.O.U.S.

The quote about R.O.U.S. is spoken by the character Inigo Montoya, played by Mandy Patinkin. When he and his companions first enter the Fire Swamp, they encounter a large rodent. Inigo exclaims, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.” This line has become one of the most famous quotes from the movie, and it’s often used in pop culture references and memes.

Why Is This Quote Iconic?

Inigo Montoya From The Princess Bride

There are many reasons why the quote about R.O.U.S. has become so iconic. For one, it’s a perfect example of the movie’s quirky sense of humor. The line is unexpected and funny, and it perfectly captures the absurdity of the situation.

Additionally, the line has become iconic because of the character who delivers it. Inigo Montoya is one of the most beloved characters from The Princess Bride, and his accent and mannerisms have made him a fan favorite. When he delivers the line about R.O.U.S., it’s both hilarious and endearing.

Finally, the quote has become iconic because of the movie’s enduring popularity. The Princess Bride has remained a beloved classic for decades, and fans of the movie continue to quote and reference it to this day.


The Fire Swamp From The Princess Bride

The quote about R.O.U.S. is just one of the many memorable moments from The Princess Bride. It’s a perfect example of the movie’s quirky humor and beloved characters, and it’s become an iconic part of pop culture. If you’re a fan of the movie, then you know just how beloved this quote is. And if you’ve never seen The Princess Bride, then what are you waiting for?

Related video of R.O.U.S. Princess Bride Quote: What It Means and Why It’s Iconic