Quote As A Source In An Article Crossword
Using quotes in an article is a common practice for many writers. Quotes can be used as a source of information, to support an argument, or to add credibility to an article. However, using quotes in an article crossword can be challenging. In this article, we will explore the use of quotes in an article crossword and provide tips on how to use them effectively.
What Is An Article Crossword?
Before we dive into the topic of using quotes in an article crossword, let's first define what an article crossword is. An article crossword is a type of crossword puzzle that is based on a specific topic or theme. The crossword clues are related to the topic or theme, and the answers are words or phrases that are associated with the topic or theme.
Why Use Quotes In An Article Crossword?
Using quotes in an article crossword can add an extra layer of complexity to the puzzle. It can also be a way to test the knowledge and familiarity of the readers with the topic or theme. Quotes can also provide valuable information that can help the readers solve the crossword clues.
How To Use Quotes In An Article Crossword?
When using quotes in an article crossword, it is important to choose quotes that are relevant to the topic or theme. The quotes should also be short and concise, as longer quotes can be difficult to fit into a crossword grid.
It is also important to attribute the quote to the correct source. This can be done by including the name of the person who said the quote and the source of the quote. For example, "According to John Doe, in his book 'The Art of Writing,' 'Good writing is clear thinking made visible.'"
Using Quotes As Clues
One way to use quotes in an article crossword is to use them as clues. For example, the clue could be "According to Shakespeare, 'All the world's a _____.'" The answer, of course, would be "stage."
Another way to use quotes as clues is to use them as part of a longer phrase. For example, the clue could be "According to Albert Einstein, 'Imagination is more important than _____.'" The answer would be "knowledge," and the full quote is "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Using Quotes To Fill In The Grid
Quotes can also be used to fill in the grid of an article crossword. For example, if the grid has a blank space that needs a four-letter word that means "to make amends," a quote by Confucius could be used: "To be wronged is nothing unless you remember it." The answer would be "atone."
Using quotes in an article crossword can be a fun and challenging way to engage readers and test their knowledge of a topic or theme. By choosing relevant and concise quotes, and attributing them to the correct source, quotes can add an extra layer of complexity to the puzzle. So, the next time you create an article crossword, consider using quotes as clues or to fill in the grid.