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Half A Tank Of Gas Blues Brothers Quote

Blues Brothers Half A Tank Of Gas Quote


The Blues Brothers is a classic comedy movie that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. It is a movie that is full of memorable quotes, one of which is the "Half a tank of gas" quote.

The Quote

The quote goes as follows: "We have half a pack of cigarettes, a full tank of gas, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."

Blues Brothers Car Image

The Scene

The scene takes place early on in the movie, where the two main characters, Jake and Elwood Blues, are on a mission to save the orphanage where they grew up. They are driving in their iconic Bluesmobile, a battered old police car that they have fixed up themselves.

The Significance

The "Half a tank of gas" quote is significant because it perfectly sums up the resourcefulness and determination of the Blues Brothers. Despite the odds being stacked against them, they are determined to succeed and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goal.

Blues Brothers Sunglasses Image

The Meaning

The quote is also significant because it represents the idea that sometimes you don't need much to get started on a journey. You just need a little bit of fuel, a clear vision of where you want to go, and the determination to see it through.

The Impact

The "Half a tank of gas" quote has become one of the most iconic lines in movie history, and it has inspired countless people to pursue their dreams and never give up, no matter how difficult the journey may be.

Blues Brothers Car Chase Image

The Legacy

The Blues Brothers is a movie that has stood the test of time, and the "Half a tank of gas" quote is just one of the many reasons why. Its legacy continues to inspire and entertain new generations of viewers, and it will undoubtedly continue to do so for many years to come.


The "Half a tank of gas" quote is a powerful reminder that sometimes all you need to start a journey is a little bit of fuel and a lot of determination. It is a timeless quote that will continue to inspire and entertain people for generations to come.

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