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Game Of Thrones Moon And Stars Quote

Game Of Thrones Moon And Stars Quote

The Meaning Behind The Quote

"Moon of My Life" and "My Sun and Stars" are two phrases that have become synonymous with the love story of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo. These phrases are a part of a larger quote that goes, "Shekh ma shieraki anni. Anha zhilak yera norethaan." Translated from Dothraki, it means, "My sun and stars. The moon of my life." The quote is often used to express love and devotion between two people, but it has a deeper meaning in the context of the show.

Game Of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen And Khal Drogo

Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo's relationship was a political one at first. Daenerys was sold to Khal Drogo in exchange for an army that would help her take back the Iron Throne. However, as the two spent more time together, they fell in love. The quote "Moon of My Life" and "My Sun and Stars" became a way for them to express their love for each other. Khal Drogo would call Daenerys "Moon of My Life" and Daenerys would call Khal Drogo "My Sun and Stars."

The Significance Of The Moon And Stars

The moon and stars have a deeper meaning in the context of the show. The moon is associated with the Dothraki goddess, the Great Stallion. The Dothraki believe that when a great Khal dies, he joins the Great Stallion in the night sky. The stars are also significant in Dothraki culture. They believe that the stars are the souls of their ancestors watching over them. The moon and stars are a symbol of the Dothraki way of life, and they hold a special place in their culture.

Game Of Thrones Dothraki

The moon and stars are also a symbol of love and devotion. In the context of the show, Daenerys and Khal Drogo's love for each other is as strong as the moon and stars in the sky. The quote "Moon of My Life" and "My Sun and Stars" represents their love and devotion for each other, but also their respect for the Dothraki culture.

Other Uses Of The Quote

The quote "Moon of My Life" and "My Sun and Stars" has become a popular tattoo among Game of Thrones fans. It is a way for fans to show their love for the show and to express their own love for someone special. The quote has also been used in various memes and social media posts. It has become a way for people to express their own love and devotion for someone in a fun and creative way.

Game Of Thrones Tattoo


The quote "Moon of My Life" and "My Sun and Stars" has become an iconic part of Game of Thrones. It represents love, devotion, and respect for the Dothraki culture. Whether you're a fan of the show or not, the quote is a beautiful way to express your own love and devotion for someone special. So next time you look up at the moon and stars, remember the love story of Daenerys and Khal Drogo, and the significance of the moon and stars in Dothraki culture.

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