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David Berlinski The Devil's Delusion Quote

David Berlinski


David Berlinski is a renowned mathematician, philosopher, and writer who has made significant contributions to various fields. He is also an outspoken critic of Darwinism and the new atheists, and his book "The Devil's Delusion" has received widespread attention and acclaim. The book challenges the views of prominent atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and defends the idea of intelligent design. This article will explore David Berlinski's quote from "The Devil's Delusion" and its significance.

The Quote

The Devil'S Delusion

The quote in question is taken from "The Devil's Delusion" and reads as follows:

"Has anyone provided a proof of God's inexistence? Not even close. Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in the terrible 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to being close."

This quote is a powerful critique of the current state of science, philosophy, and morality. It challenges the assumption that science has all the answers and that religion is outdated and irrelevant. Berlinski argues that there are fundamental questions that science cannot answer and that the new atheists are too quick to dismiss religion.

The Meaning

The Devil'S Delusion Cover

At its core, Berlinski's quote is a call for intellectual humility and a recognition that there are limits to what we can know. He argues that science is not the only source of knowledge and that there are questions that science cannot answer. For example, science cannot explain the origin of the universe or the existence of consciousness. Berlinski also challenges the idea that science and religion are incompatible, arguing that both have important insights to offer.

Berlinski's quote is also a critique of the new atheists and their claim that religion is responsible for many of the world's problems. He argues that secularism has been just as bad, if not worse, and that we need a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be moral and ethical. Berlinski believes that rationalism and moral thought have not provided us with a clear understanding of what is good, right, and moral, and that we need to look beyond science and reason to find answers to these questions.

The Significance

David Berlinski Books

Berlinski's quote has significant implications for how we view science, religion, and morality. It challenges the idea that science has all the answers and shows that there are fundamental questions that science cannot answer. It also challenges the idea that religion is outdated and irrelevant, arguing that it has important insights to offer. Finally, it challenges the idea that rationalism and moral thought have provided us with a clear understanding of what is good, right, and moral, and shows that we need to look beyond science and reason to find answers to these questions.

In conclusion, David Berlinski's quote from "The Devil's Delusion" is a powerful critique of the current state of science, philosophy, and morality. It challenges the idea that science has all the answers and shows that there are fundamental questions that science cannot answer. It also challenges the idea that religion is outdated and irrelevant and argues that both science and religion have important insights to offer. Finally, it challenges the idea that rationalism and moral thought have provided us with a clear understanding of what is good, right, and moral and shows that we need to look beyond science and reason to find answers to these questions.

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