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Beauty Will Save The World Quote Meaning

Beauty Will Save The World Quote

The phrase "Beauty will save the world" is a well-known quote that has been attributed to Dostoevsky, a Russian novelist and philosopher. The quote is often cited in discussions about the role of art and aesthetics in society. But what does it really mean?

Origins of the Quote


The quote is originally from Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot," which was published in 1869. In the novel, one of the characters, Prince Myshkin, utters the phrase when he sees a painting of the dead Christ in the house of Rogozhin.

The context of the quote is important to understanding its meaning. In the novel, Prince Myshkin is portrayed as a Christ-like figure who sees beauty in everything and everyone, even in the most tragic and ugly situations.

Interpreting the Quote

Art And Aesthetics In Society

The quote has been interpreted in various ways. Some see it as a call to value art and aesthetics as a means to bring beauty and goodness into the world. Others see it as a reminder that true beauty can be found in the most unexpected places, even in suffering and tragedy.

Another interpretation of the quote is that beauty has the power to heal and transform individuals and societies. This idea is reflected in the field of art therapy, where art is used as a means to promote healing and well-being.

Beauty in Society

Society And Beauty

The quote "Beauty will save the world" has relevance in today's society, where beauty is often associated with superficiality and materialism. The pursuit of beauty has become a billion-dollar industry, with people spending vast amounts of money on cosmetics, fashion, and plastic surgery.

However, the quote reminds us that true beauty is not just skin-deep. It is something that transcends physical appearance and can be found in art, nature, and human relationships. By valuing and promoting beauty in all its forms, we can create a more harmonious and compassionate society.



The quote "Beauty will save the world" is a powerful reminder of the importance of beauty and aesthetics in our lives. Whether we see it in a work of art, a natural landscape, or a human relationship, beauty has the power to inspire, heal, and transform us.

As we navigate the challenges of modern life, let us remember the words of Dostoevsky and strive to cultivate beauty in all its forms. For as Prince Myshkin reminds us, beauty truly has the power to save the world.

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