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Are You Trying To Seduce Me Mrs Robinson Quote

Mrs Robinson Quote

The 1967 film "The Graduate" is known for its iconic quotes, but none are more memorable than the line uttered by Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman) when he discovers that Mrs. Robinson (played by Anne Bancroft) is interested in him romantically: "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?"

The Graduate Movie

The Context of the Quote

Benjamin Braddock is a recent college graduate who is feeling lost and directionless. Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner, offers to help him by having an affair with him. At first, Benjamin is hesitant, but eventually gives in to her advances.

During one particularly tense moment in their relationship, Mrs. Robinson is trying to convince Benjamin to continue their affair, but he is resistant. It is at this point that he delivers the iconic line: "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?"

Anne Bancroft

The Meaning Behind the Quote

The line is often interpreted as a moment of realization for Benjamin. He is coming to terms with the fact that he is not just a passive participant in the affair, but that Mrs. Robinson is actively trying to seduce him. It is a moment of clarity in an otherwise confusing and tumultuous relationship.

The line has also been interpreted as a commentary on the sexual mores of the time. In the 1960s, extramarital affairs were still taboo, especially for women. Mrs. Robinson's attempts to seduce Benjamin can be seen as a subversion of traditional gender roles and expectations.

The Legacy of the Quote

The "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?" quote has become one of the most famous lines in cinema history. It has been parodied and referenced in countless films and TV shows, and has become a shorthand for any situation in which someone is being aggressively pursued romantically.

The line has also become a cultural touchstone for baby boomers, who were coming of age during the time the film was released. For many, it represents a moment of rebellion and sexual liberation that defined their generation.

In Conclusion

The "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?" quote is an iconic moment in cinema history. It has come to represent a moment of clarity and rebellion, and has become a shorthand for any situation in which someone is being aggressively pursued romantically. Its legacy continues to endure, nearly 60 years after the release of "The Graduate."

Related video of Are You Trying To Seduce Me Mrs Robinson Quote: The Story Behind the Iconic Line