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This Too Shall Come To Pass Quote

This Too Shall Come To Pass

“This too shall come to pass” is a popular saying that has been used for centuries. The quote is often used to provide hope and encouragement during difficult times. It reminds us that no matter how dire the situation may seem, it will eventually pass. The phrase has been attributed to various sources throughout history, but its origin is uncertain. Regardless of its origin, the message behind the quote is timeless.

History of the Quote

History Of The Quote

The origins of the quote are unknown, but it has been used throughout history by various cultures and religions. It has been attributed to King Solomon in the Bible, but it is also found in other religious texts such as the Quran and the Talmud. The phrase has been used by politicians, poets, and philosophers for centuries.

The Meaning of the Quote

The Meaning Of The Quote

The meaning of the quote is simple yet profound. It reminds us that everything in life is temporary, both the good and the bad. No matter how difficult or challenging a situation may be, it will eventually pass. The quote encourages us to have hope and faith in the future, even during the darkest times.

Application of the Quote

Application Of The Quote

The quote can be applied in various situations in life. It can provide comfort during times of grief or loss. It can also provide encouragement during difficult times such as illness or financial hardship. The quote can be used as a reminder to stay hopeful and optimistic, even during the most challenging times.



The quote “This too shall come to pass” is a powerful reminder that everything in life is temporary. It encourages us to have hope and faith in the future, even during the darkest times. The quote has been used throughout history by various cultures and religions, and its message remains timeless. No matter what challenges we face in life, we can take comfort in the fact that it will eventually pass.

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